Review Fossil Fuel is a non renewable energy resource that is formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago. Example of fossil fuels are petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Fossil Fuels produces pollution.
8.26 Alternative Resources Chemical Energy Solar Energy Wind Power Hydroelectric Energy Power Plants
Chemical Energy Generated by fuel Cells (reaction between hydrogen and oxygen into water). One advantage of of using fuel cells as energy sources is that fuel cells DO NOT create pollution.
Solar Energy Energy received by the earth from the sun. Pros: DOES NOT produce pollution, renewable because it comes from the sun. Cons: Some climates don’t have enough summer days to benefit from solar energy. The cost of installing a complete solar power system in home is one third of the total cost of a house.
Wind Power The use of a windmill to drive an electric generator. Pros: DOES NOT produce pollution, renewable. Cons: In some areas the wind is not strong enough or frequent enough to create energy.
Hydroelectric Energy Electrical energy produced by falling water. Pros: Inexpensive, produces LITTLE pollution, renewable because water constantly cycles from the air to the land and back to the water source. Cons: building dams destroys other resources, such as forests, and wildlife habitats.
Biomass Organic matter that can be a source of energy. (example: wood, charcoal, animal dung) The most common way to use biomass is to burn it.