Predators & Prey LO: understand and identify adaptations of predator and prey D. Crowley, 2008
Is this a predator or prey? How is it adapted to make it adapted? Forward set eyes Good eyesight Sharp teeth Camouflage Sharp Claws Good Sprinter
Is this a predator or prey? How is it adapted to make it adapted? Good hearing Camouflage Wide set eyes Stamina Good Sense Smell
Predators & Prey To understand what makes a good predator and prey
Predator & Prey What is a predator? What is prey? Think of 5 examples of predators, and 5 examples of prey…
Predators A predator is an animal which eats other animals for food, e.g. sharks, man, tigers, lions, hawks, crocodiles, trap-door spiders etc…
Prey Prey is the animal which gets eaten by the predator, e.g. seals, chicken, antelope, zebra, buffalo, mice, beetles etc…
Predator & Prey Complete the predator and prey worksheet
Predator & Prey Eagle adaptations – good eyesight to spot the mouse; large talons for catching the mouse; sharp beak to tear the flesh; fast, agile flier to manoeuvre into place etc…
Predator & Prey Mouse adaptations – good eyesight to spot the eagle; large ears for listening; fast, agile runner to hide etc…
Predators & Prey Feature Reason Eyes set forward Example: Feature Reason Eyes set forward To spot prey, giving depth-of-field Sharp teeth / beak To pierce and tear flesh Good eye sight To spot prey from far away Camouflage To ambush prey (allows the predator to get close to the prey)
Predators & Prey Feature Reason Eyes at the side of the head Example: Feature Reason Eyes at the side of the head Good wide angle of view to see all around Large eyes / good sense of smell Sense the predator quickly Camouflaged To avoid being seen by predators Can be nocturnal To avoid predators during the day Powerful hind legs / small agile body, always alert To be ready to run away quickly
Design Your task is to design either a predator or prey with at least 5 key features which make it the best predator / prey it can be You need to draw out the organisms habitat (including what its environment is like), explaining how it is adapted to be the best You also need to include what the organism hunts / is hunted by Ensure you label the key features of your organism, and give it a name!