A Routing Underlay for Overlay Networks Akihiro Nakao Larry Peterson Andy Bavier SIGCOMM’03 Reviewer: Jing lu
Motivation Increasing growth of overlay services:
Motivation Common characteristic: Application-specific routing strategy Approach: Ping and traceroute to learn underlying Internet topology Increasing growth of overlay services: Content distribution network Multicast overlay
Motivation Scalability Issues: In the number of participating nodes RON (Resilient Overlay Networks) doesn’t scale beyond 50 nodes. Multiple overlays run on a single node/subnet. PlanetLab is an overlay-hosting platform. Observation: Network itself has multiple viewpoints, and already has a fairly complete picture of the network. Single overlay network re- discovers this information for just itself is redundant and architecturally silly. Routing underlay can provide a shared set of topology discovery services for overlays, making overlay resource discovery more scalable.
Architecture Some representative overlays: RON routing overlay End-system Multicast (ESM) overlay Peer-to-peer systems
Architecture RON routing overlay (MIT) Discover good-quality paths through overlay nodes, and quickly turn to an alternate path when congestion or failure happens to the current path. A clique of N overlay nodes; Probe N 2 edges to get latency; Run link-state routing algorithm to find the lowest cost routes; Not scale for N > 50. Routing underlay can provide: Sparsely connected routing mesh of overlay nodes to decrease number of probes; Or, some disjoint paths, and let RON probe just these paths to select the best one. Should one path fails, RON can switch to another.
Architecture ESM overlay: End systems in a multicast group self-organize into an overlay structure using distributed protocol. Adapt to network dynamics and consider application level performance to achieve high efficiency. Organize end hosts into a mesh; run MST algorithm to produce a multicast tree. Routing underlay can provide: Nearest neighbors Or, ready-built routing mesh based on knowledge of the underlying network topology.
Architecture P2P systems like file sharing networks Routing underlay can provide: Nearest neighbors to peer with Or, far-away neighbors for data replication in case of local disasters.
Architecture Useful underlay services: Find nearest neighbors to a node Find disjoint paths between two nodes Build a routing mesh Three primitives underlay should support: Provide a graph of the network connectivity at a specified resolution (ASes, Routers, physical links) and scope (the Internet, some AS, everything within a radius of N hops); Expose actual route a packet traverses at a specified resolution; Report topological facts about specific paths between a pair of points according to a specified metric (AS hops, router hops, latency).
Architecture Features: Underlay probes the entire network to provide relative static information about the network in low frequency. Overlay probes dynamically changing network conditions in a reduced scope with higher frequency.
Architecture Will routing underlay be accepted? Infrastructure-based overlays like PlanetLab: “Enforcement” by implementing the probing layer in the OS kernel. Pure end-system overlays: Underlay service is convenient for application writers. Probing traffic becomes a widely-recognized problem. “Encouragement” from ISPs and network administrators by blocking ping and traceroute traffic
Topology Probing kernel Assumptions: Primitives are support on every overlay node, which has access to the BGP routing table at a nearby BGP router. Three primitives: Peering Graph Path Probe Distance Probe
Topology Probing kernel Peering Graph: PG = GetGraph() Coarse-grain (AS-level) connectivity of the Internet, where each vertex in PG corresponds to an AS, and each edge represents a peering relationship between ASes. All overlay nodes send their BGP tables to a centralized aggregation point. Each overlay node constructs its own PG independently by exchanging PG with neighbors. PG can be constructed using a fixed number of probes; Peering information changes infrequently, so exchange can be done in low frequency.
Topology Probing kernel
Path Probe: Path = GetPath(src, dst) Verified AS path traversed by packets sent from IP address src to IP address dst. Use BGP table to get the actual AS path. Distance Probe: Distance = GetDistance(target, metric) Distance from the local node to remote target node. Distance metrics: Number of AS hops Number of router hops RTT
Library of Routing Services Find Disjoint Paths: PathSet = DisjointPaths(u, v, N, k) u, v are a pair of overlay nodes; N is a set of candidate intermediate nodes; k disjoint paths. Implementation: Use peering graph returned by GetGraph to guess the shortest disjoint paths (u, w, v), w N; Sort the list by AS count. Use GetPath to verify and drop paths that are not edge- disjoint from the default AS path. Select k paths based on AS hop count.
Library of Routing Services Find Nearest Neighbors: Nodes = NearestNodes(N, k) N is a set of candidate neighbor nodes; k closest to the local node. Implementation: Use GetPath to sort the list of N neighbors by AS count; Use GetDistance on the top j (j > k) nodes in the list to choose k nodes with lowest latency.
Library of Routing Services
Building a Representative Mesh: Mesh = BuildMesh(N) N is a set of overlay nodes; Implementation: Each overlay node performs analysis (pruning edges) independently using GetPath primitive. Entire mesh can be formed by aggregating all the neighbor sets. Algorithm 1: Prune edge (u, v) if AS path from u to v includes AS W, where w N is located. Algorithm 2: Prune edge (u, v) if w is directly connected to the AS path from u to v. In both cases, a node need s to keep track of virtualized edges and verify virtualization information with neighbors before pruning.
Library of Routing Services
Conclusion Overlay networks independently probing the Internet to make application-specific routing decisions is unacceptable in the long run. A shared routing underlay is practical. Take cost into account Multiple-layered Lower layers provide coarse-grain static information at large scale. Upper layers probe more frequently for dynamic information at increasingly reduced scale.