End-to-end Quality of Service over heterogeneous networks José Enríquez Gabeiras Telefónica I+D
V Slide 2 21 October, 2015 €9.5M Funding over 3 years Kick-off 1 September network providers (Prime Contractor is Telefonica) 5 Corporates 5 SMEs (consultants, small development companies) 9 Research Institutes Support the evolution of the Internet into a multi-service network Take a pragmatic approach Sell QoS as a new source of revenue. Define business models EuQoS Approach EuQoS: Who we are
V Slide 3 21 October, 2015 QoS: the problem The debate on QoS in the Internet has been running for more than 10 years, but only the “easy” solutions are implemented. 3 Overprovisioning (only a solution for the backbone) 3 Exploiting the capabilities of the lower layers (MPLS) ? Priorities (DiffServ) ? Explicit signalling (RSVP) ? NSIS Why ? QoS may be demanded from the network, or applications may adapt to what is available Researchers like to look for new solutions Manufacturers like to sell new products State of the Art Support the evolution of the Internet into a multi-service network Take a pragmatic approach Sell QoS as a new source of revenue. Define business models EuQoS Approach
V Slide 4 21 October, 2015 Objectives To foster the interoperability of end-to-end QoS solutions for the end user, across heterogeneous research, scientific and industrial network domains. To promote the creation of new business models to enable the deployment of QoS applications by the Internet community. To promote the use and the awareness of QoS applications and technologies, involving technical people, clinical communities and aerospace, educational, corporate and SME end users. To develop a roadmap and strategic guidance for the development of end-to-end QoS technologies in Europe, promoting training education and technology transfer to the industry in end-to-end QoS technologies and QoS aware applications. To address the standardization of end-to-end QoS issues in European and International bodies, especially the IETF, and contribute to strengthening the European research community and industry with the wider adoption of European technology.
V Slide 5 21 October, 2015 What we are doing:
V Slide 6 21 October, 2015 What we are doing:
V Slide 7 21 October, 2015 Current status: Where there is / will be soon any QoS solution, it: - is technology dependent - does not have end-to-end significance Static “SLA” ISP1ISP2ISP3 Off-line process xDSL WiFi Core IP network Off-line process “QoS” connection Sign. Proxy Integrated, technology independent resource management plane Sign. Proxy End-to-end QoS connection On-line QoS sign. function On-line QoS sign. function EuQoS solution: - technology-independent layer added - QoS signalling capabilities added to the applications (terminals) Technology-specific resource managers
V Slide 8 21 October, 2015 Signalling levels in the EuQoS architecture EQ-SIP, EQ-SDP NSIS COPS qBGP Internal
V Slide 9 21 October, 2015 EuQoS testbed map
V Slide October, 2015 Architecture with GRE tunnel and BGP In the first phase, a mesh of GRE tunnels are setup between all partners All partners maintain BGP sessions with each other, so that one partner can act as endpoint or as transit network
V Slide October, 2015 Trials Two measurement tools are used (1 commercial, 1 OS) Probes are located in relevant points The trials are carried out in diferent scopes: Local Site to site E2e
V Slide October, 2015 First results for connectivity trials Measurements on: Delay Throughput Jitter Applications: VoIP Bulk transfers
V Slide October, 2015 Next steps Finish the development of the first EuQoS system prototype Beginning of integration of prototype in one of the testbeds Deployment of a simulation environment Simulation of the protocols Simulation of the access technologies Completion of end to end measurements Adaptation of the applications to the EuQoS system: VoIP Videoconf Streaming E-learning
V Slide October, 2015 Emerging network technologies : NGN experiments Traffic monitoring and measurement Transport layer protocols TID LAAS PTIN UPC UNOC Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet towards convergent multi- service networks TID U. Pisa FTRD WUT Monitoring and measurement Cluster : TID WUT Service development Service planning TID PTIN End-to-end QoS feasibility Techno-economical studies TID PTIN Ericsson Optical network architecture Traffic engineering TID Network management Reconfiguration Connectivity TID FTRD Siemens Ericsson NICTA Background Expertise Partners Links QoS routing DAIDALOS MUSE NOBEL Ambient Networks Integrated Projects E-NEXT CA MOME NoEs EuroNGI Background Expertise Partners Links COST 279 Advanced Multiservice Networks : QoS architecture Admission control Traffic engineering Wireless networks TID FTRD PTIN Siemens UPC WUT COST 290 Traffic and QoS management in wireless multimedia networks U. Bern UNOC UPC COST Actions Partners are involved in projects developing different networking technologies (optical, DSL, mobile, …) Knowledge will be exchanged with many more institutions through NoE and CAs EuQoS is an effective means for the integration of dispersed results towards usability for end-users FP6-IST COST Collaboration with other projects