DKS Associates. 2 Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP) Travel Demand vs. Simulation Models Micro vs. Meso Simulation Models US-101 Corridor Modeling.


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Presentation transcript:

DKS Associates

2 Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP) Travel Demand vs. Simulation Models Micro vs. Meso Simulation Models US-101 Corridor Modeling Methodology and Techniques Outline A Hybrid Model for CSMP

CSMP – A New Approach A new approach of taking planning through operations Using simulation as a planning tool Taking a new look at existing conditions Creating a living document that will extend the life of the corridor plan A Hybrid Model for CSMP

4 Corridor System Management Plans (CSMP) A Hybrid Model for CSMP Summarize Corridor Conditions Summarize Corridor Conditions Develop Preliminary Performance Develop Preliminary Performance Stakeholder Involvement – Consensus Building Comprehensive Corridor Performance Assessment Comprehensive Corridor Performance Assessment Evaluate System Management Approach Evaluate System Management Approach Ensure Adequate Detection Ensure Adequate Detection Identify Causality and Degradation Identify Causality and Degradation Test Scenarios Forecast Future Travel Develop CSMP Acceptance by MPO and Caltrans District – 5, District – 7 and HQ Acceptance by MPO and Caltrans District – 5, District – 7 and HQ

5 Simulating a very large corridor (50*4 miles 2 ) Dealing with multiple stakeholders Integrating information from three existing travel demand models Bridging the gap between travel demand models and simulation models Developing future-year simulation models Assessing operational strategies Making the processes livable in supporting future CSMPs. Key Challenges A Hybrid Model for CSMP

Santa Barbara County Ventura County Goleta Santa Barbara Carpinteria Ventura Oxnard US-101 at the CMIA Project Area A Hybrid Model for CSMP

Reality Travel Demand Model Simulation Model Travel Demand vs. Simulation Models A Hybrid Model for CSMP

(Static) Travel Demand Model A Hybrid Model for CSMP

(Dynamic) Simulation Model A Hybrid Model for CSMP

10 Simulates the movement of individual vehicles based on car-following and lane-changing logics. Has the highest detailed assessment (but the size of network is limited due to its computationally expensive and sensitive to gridlocks). MICROscopic Simulation A Hybrid Model for CSMP

11 Relatively less detailed assessment but can cover a larger network. Unit of traffic flow is the individual vehicle; however, their movements are governed by the basis of aggregate speed/volume relationship instead of car-following and lane- changing theories. MESOscopic Simulation A Hybrid Model for CSMP

12 Hybrid Simulation Take advantages of microsimulation to model roadway segments of interest and yield relatively less detailed in modeling side streets. Both parts are simulated simultaneously within the same run--no discrepancy between the two parts. A Hybrid Model for CSMP

13 US-101 Hybrid Simulation Model in Santa Barbara A Hybrid Model for CSMP Core Inner Outer Inner Core US-101

14 US-101 Hybrid Simulation Model in Ventura A Hybrid Model for CSMP

intersection counts 24 mainline manual counts All on/off ramp counts for the all freeways (50*4 miles 2 ) 30 arterial loop counts Tach runs for 2 days (8 probes, 15-minute headway) Speed detectors, camcorders, etc. Data Collection A Hybrid Model for CSMP

16 Base-year Modeling Methodology A Hybrid Model for CSMP

17 Base-year Modeling Methodology (1) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

18 Base-year Modeling Methodology (2) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

19 Future-year Modeling Methodology A Hybrid Model for CSMP

20 Future-year Modeling Methodology (1) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

21 Future-year Modeling Methodology (2) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

22 Modeling Arterials Real Network (with Intersection Counts) A Hybrid Model for CSMP Roadways in Reality > Travel Demand Model > Simulation Model Reality: - Too many intersections - Traffic counts are unbalanced So, what’s best for simulation world?

23 Modeling Arterials (2) A Hybrid Model for CSMP Subarea Network SI TDM Link Sim Zone DI DZ Simulation Link DZ TDM = Travel Demand Model SI = Study Intersection DI = Dummy Intersection Sim Zone = Simulation Zone DZ = Dummy Zone

24 Modeling Arterials (3) A Hybrid Model for CSMP Interface Network SI Sim Zone DI DZ Simulation Link DZ SI = Study Intersection DI = Dummy Intersection Sim Zone = Simulation Zone DZ = Dummy Zone Need only one “Dummy Intersection” between two “Study Intersections” Combine O-Ds to remove unnecessary Dummy Zones

25 Travel Demand Model vs. Interface Model A Hybrid Model for CSMP

26 Travel Demand Model vs. Interface Model (2) A Hybrid Model for CSMP Combined Demands

27 Interface Model Study Intersection Dummy Intersection A zone at each boundary link (one-to-one mapping) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

28 Simulation Model A Hybrid Model for CSMP

29 Path-based Routing A Hybrid Model for CSMP 809 { } Path ID{ Sequence of Link IDs } Trip Data Table Path Table Allows more control to vehicle routing.

30 There is a big gap between the travel demand world and the simulation world. We hope that our approach can tighten this gap. There is a need for a dynamic ODME to help calibration. We believe that the path-based routing is the right trend for traffic simulation. Guidance A Hybrid Model for CSMP

31 Base Case Dynamic User Equilibrium Short-term Impacts Fixed paths (from Base Case) Long-term Impacts New Dynamic User Equilibrium Guidance (2) A Hybrid Model for CSMP

32 Hybrid simulation is a new tool to model corridors. The proposed approach is quite a unique technique to integrate travel demand models with simulation models. Understanding traffic assignment is crucial for corridor studies; we need a good user-manual. Conclusions A Hybrid Model for CSMP

33 Thank You