The Belgian Research Initiative on eXotic nuclei – BriX network BriX Days Liege, May 27-28, 2015 Funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

The Belgian Research Initiative on eXotic nuclei – BriX network BriX Days Liege, May 27-28, 2015 Funded by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12)

BriX Days Liege, May 27-28,2015 The Interuniversity Attraction Poles Program (IAP) The BriX network (P7/12)

BriX Days Liege, May 27-28,2015 Past BriX days: Oostende (March 25-26, 2013) Brussels (November 4, 2013) Gent (May 7-8, 2014) Mol (November 26, 2014) The BriX network (P7/12)

Work package 1: Studies of exotic nuclei in the light mass region, along closed proton and/or neutron shells and towards the heaviest elements Work package 2: Nuclear properties, response of nuclei to electroweak and strong probes, and their importance for nuclear astrophysics Work package 3: Probe fundamental interactions through the decay characteristics of exotic nuclei Work package 4: The BriX network - Work Packages

Partners 1.1Study of exotic nuclei in the light mass region 1.1.1Reaction modelsULB, K.U.Leuven 1.1.2Transfer reactions and beta decay K.U.Leuven, ULB, SCK  CEN, GANIL 1.2Study of exotic nuclei along closed proton and/or neutron shells 1.2.1Laser-spectroscopy studies K.U.Leuven, ULB, ULg, SCK  CEN, GANIL, GSI, 1.2.2Beta-decay and (beta-delayed) fission studies K.U.Leuven, ULB, SCK  CEN, GSI, CEA- Saclay 1.2.3Coulomb excitation, transfer reactions and deep- inelastic reactions using HIE-ISOLDE K.U.Leuven, ULB, UGent, GANIL, U.Köln, CEA-Saclay 1.2.4Theoretical calculationsULB, UGent, GANIL, U.Köln, CEA-Saclay 1.3Study of exotic nuclei towards the heaviest elements 1.3.1In-gas-jet laser spectroscopy of Ac and beyond K.U.Leuven, ULB, SCK  CEN, ULg, GSI, GANIL, CEA-Saclay 1.3.2In-source laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE K.U.Leuven, ULB, SCK  CEN, ULg 1.3.3Atomic theory for heavy elementsULB, ULg Work package 1: Studies of exotic nuclei in the light mass region, along closed proton and/or neutron shells and towards the heaviest elements

Partners 2.1Weak interaction studies for nuclear astrophysicsUGent. K.U.Leuven 2.2Reactions of interest to nuclear astrophysicsULB, GANIL 2.3Global nuclear models for nuclear astrophysicsULB, K.U.Leuven, GSI 2.4Reactions models using eikonal methodsUGent, GSI Work package 2: Nuclear properties, response of nuclei to electroweak and strong probes, and their importance for nuclear astrophysics

Partners 3.1Probe fundamental weak interaction properties through the decay characteristics of exotic nuclei K.U.Leuven, ULg, GANIL 3.2Atom trap development for beams ULg, KULeuven, SCK  CEN Work package 3: Probe fundamental interactions through the decay characteristics of exotic nuclei

Partners 4.1Building the Users Group and enlarging the physics case for SCK  CEN, K.U.Leuven, ULB, UGent, ULg Design Study SCK  CEN, K.U.Leuven Work package 4: III. Development and/or upgrade of instrumentation - The MINIBALL and T-REX array - A new detection system for fission products. - A new in-house laser laboratory - Beta spectrometer - Magneto-optical trap to polarize atoms - An active-target detector