Right to request time to train Learning at Work Day 2010
Contents Overview of legislation (eligibility, enabling dialogue, procedures) Roles of – Human resources and Learning Development Managers – Union Learning Representatives and Learning Champions – Line managers and supervisors – Employees Further resources
Legislation: eligibility An individual right for employees initially for those in organisations with 250+ employees: All employers will be required to observe the right from April 2011 Eligibility for all employees with minimum 26 weeks service Exemption for – Under 18s (who are covered by other legislation giving them rights to participate in training) – Agency workers – Military personnel
Legislation: enabling dialogue Model based upon the right to request flexible working (around 9 in 10 of flexible working requests agreed) Not meant to replace good training systems already in existence but an eligible individual can still exercise their right to request time to train The employee can make a request for training that relates to the “job, workplace or business” and contributes to personal productivity and business improvement No restriction to the method of delivery or the educational level that can be requested It is possible to make a request that covers several training opportunities at once
Legislation: procedures The request can be made using the guidance and templates developed by the government (which can be adopted in to HR procedures) The employer must give formal consideration by accepting the proposal, making an alternative suggestion in a meeting or refusing using a prescribed list of “business reasons” (overleaf) There are rights of appeal and accompaniment by a colleague or trade union representative from the same employer The employer is encouraged but not required to pay for the time or the training costs A request can only be made once a year – Aborted requests can (but don’t have to) disqualify another request within the year
Promote the right to the whole organisation Talk to line managers and supervisors about the best way to approach and agree relevant training for their team members Discuss the new right with union learning reps and learning champions about the best way to support employees to exercise the right Promote to employees the importance of talking to their managers and supervisors about their training needs Human Resources and Learning and Development Managers
Raise awareness amongst colleagues about – available learning and training opportunities – the support you can offer to develop their case for training and taking a request forward Discuss with HR and Learning and Development managers – about the best way to support employees to exercise the right – and make the best case to employers and line managers for investing in training for colleagues Union Learning Representatives and Learning Champions
Line managers and supervisors Introduce and explain the new right to your team and how it fits with existing training policies Talk to your team about the training they may need and how this can support their specific roles, their future development and the needs of the business. Talk to other line managers and supervisors about how they approach training needs in their own teams and share good practice
Find out about the new right from your HR department, line manager or learning representative and how this fits with your company’s existing training policy. Think about your role and how training and development may support your current job, your future development and the business Talk to your line manager and learning representative about the training opportunities and the difference training will make to you. Employees
Further resources available from LAW Day and unionlearn LAW Day mini-guide to the new right to request time to train Template message for unionised and non-unionised workplaces Exercise simulating the application stage Exercise for simulating the stage where an application is considered UL only: Right to Request Time off to Train: A Guide for Trade Unions and Union Representatives LAW Day only: ‘Leading on Learning Booklet for managers’ and ‘Becoming a Better Learner’