What words would you really like to hear yourself saying when you’re asked how you feel about your life?
step back and look at the quality of your life celebrate what you have achieved to date create a vision of where you want to be in the future look at the crucial role played by your attitude, self-belief and commitment create exciting possibilities for blending your WLPG Windmills Working,Learning Playing, Giving Programme
Working In addition to traditional forms of employment, work includes:- Self-Employment Consultancy Portfolio careers Part-time working Job sharing Home-working Flexi-working
Learning This may range from:- Formal classroom study Training for qualifications Formal learning experiences Informal learning experiences
Playing Don’t limit playing to evenings and weekends. It can be about:- Loving what you do Doing interesting things Spending time with people you like Even work itself may be play when the conditions are right
Giving This is about not just donating money to charity or good causes. It may include:- Supporting your family or friends Helping colleagues Sharing your skills and experiences Being a good friend or listener