Conceptual Maps and Thesauri : A Comparison of Two Models of Representation Arising from Different Disciplinary Traditions Lalthoum Saàdani and Suzanne Bertrand-Gastaldy École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information Université de Montréal CAIS/ACSI 2000
”The development of hypermedia and databases consisting of full-text versions of documents has created intermediate situations between information seeking and content learning" ( Roger, Lavandier and Kolmayer 1998 ) ( our translation ) ”The goal of an information system or a learning system should be the identification of discontinuities in understanding" ( Duncan and McAleese 1987:377 ) INTRODUCTION
Presentation scheme n Definition of Thesaurus and Conceptual Map n Objects represented n Elaboration steps n Functions or uses n Units of representation and their syntax n Display formats n Evaluation of the two representational models n Conclusion
Thesaurus - Definition "The vocabulary of a controlled indexing language, formally organized so that the a priori relationships between concepts (for example as "broader" and "narrower”) are made explicit" (ISO 2788, 1986:2) "A controlled set of terms selected from natural language and used to represent, in abstract form, the subjects of documents" (ISO 2788, 1986:2)
Conceptual Map - Definition "Concept mapping involves identifying concepts or ideas pertaining to a subject, and then describing the relationships that exist between these ideas in the form of a drawing sketch. The purpose of the map is to represent an individual's understanding of a body of knowledge, and to illustrate the relationships among ideas that are meaningful to him or her" (Sherratt and Schlabach 1990: 60-61). " Schematic device for representing a set of concept meanings embedded in a framework of propositions” (Novak and Gowin, 1984).
Other names for conceptual maps n n Mind Maps n n WebMaps n n Knowledge Maps or Kmaps n n Cognitive Maps n n Cognitive Structures
Conceptual Maps and Cognitive Maps « Conceptual maps are related to the model of the thesaurus, cognitive maps are related to the mental model of users » (Borgman 1986) « A concept map is a map constructed by experts, and represents many of the commonalties of their knowledge of the domain […] a cognitive map is a map constructed by a nonexpert individual […] and has a lesser degree of disciplinary validity » (Mahler et al. 1991)
What is Represented? Thesauri n Concepts Having literary warrantHaving literary warrant Useful for information retrievalUseful for information retrieval n Conventional relationships (limited and internationally standardized typology and notation) Conceptual Maps n Concepts Chosen by the map's designerChosen by the map's designer In education science, conceptual maps present generic concepts, their precise definition and the inter-relationships.In education science, conceptual maps present generic concepts, their precise definition and the inter-relationships. n Various non-standardized relationships
The representation of concepts Thesauri n Concepts are represented by: the indexing terms (descriptors or preferred terms)the indexing terms (descriptors or preferred terms) n Concepts can be: Concrete entities (things and their parts; materials)Concrete entities (things and their parts; materials) Abstract concepts (actions and events; abstract entities and properties of objects, materials and actions; disciplines and sciences and units of measure)Abstract concepts (actions and events; abstract entities and properties of objects, materials and actions; disciplines and sciences and units of measure) Proper nouns (individual entities or individual classes expressed as proper nouns)Proper nouns (individual entities or individual classes expressed as proper nouns) Conceptual maps n Concepts are represented by: Nodes containing words from natural languageNodes containing words from natural language n Concepts can be: EventsEvents Objects or ThingsObjects or Things ProcessesProcesses SensationsSensations IdeasIdeas ConstructsConstructs SituationsSituations PropertiesProperties Recognized signs or symbolsRecognized signs or symbols
Relationships Thesauri Alphabetical or graphic symbols n Equivalence relationships: Use or for UseUse or for Use UF or = for Used forUF or = for Used for n Hierarchic relationships: NT or > for Narrower TermsNT or > for Narrower Terms BT or < for Broader TermsBT or < for Broader Terms 2Hierarchic relationships include: ugeneric relations (genus- species) upartitive relations (whole-part) uinstantiation upoly-hierarchic relations n Associative relationships: RT or - for Related TermsRT or - for Related Terms n SN for Scope Notes. Conceptual Maps Natural language words n Arcs labelled by verbs, prepositions, names or logical connectors, variable linking words. n Causal relationships or using links n Dynamic semantic links (x influences y, leads to) n Static links (Type, part) n Instructional links (analogy, example) n Physical relationships (under, near) n Temporal relationships (precede, follow) n Logical relationships (cause, product)
Display formats Thesauri n Linear (alphabetical, permuted) n Hierarchic (systematic) n Graphic ArrowgraphsArrowgraphs Tree structureTree structure Circular formCircular form TerminogramTerminogram Conceptual Maps n Graphic and hierarchic (less strict hierarchy) n Other forms: Semantic networkSemantic network Tree graphTree graph HistogramHistogram Geographic mapGeographic map etc.etc.
Conceptual maps: display formats
Stages of Production Thesauri n Choice of form. n Choice of terms. n Choice of grouping mode. n Choice of relationships. n Choice of representation format. n Compilation. Conceptual maps n Identification of concepts. n Organisation of concepts from the general to the specific. n Establishing relationships among concepts. n Compiling or sketching map.
Function or Use Thesauri n Vocabulary control n Facilitation of information retrieval: Representation of content and search questions.Representation of content and search questions. Suggestion of search terms (query expansion)Suggestion of search terms (query expansion) Help in understanding a term's use context.Help in understanding a term's use context. n Act as an interface or intermediary between users and the information systems. Conceptual maps n Organize and present a field's or a part of a field's conceptual structure. n Graphically represent the meaning of a set of concepts. n Visualize the understanding an individual has of a field of knowledge. n Represent users' cognitive structure. n Facilitate teaching and learning n Evaluate learners' cognitive structures and measure their knowledge. n Identify and correct misconceptions.
EvaluationThesauri n Linear form: Difficulty of manipulation (cumbersome, redundancies)Difficulty of manipulation (cumbersome, redundancies) n Graphic form Reinforces the representiveness of a thesaurus.Reinforces the representiveness of a thesaurus. Emphasizes the semantic context of descriptors.Emphasizes the semantic context of descriptors. Favours better interaction between users and the information systems.Favours better interaction between users and the information systems. n If in conceptual map form Enables users to compare their own mental maps with the system’s graphic representation maps.Enables users to compare their own mental maps with the system’s graphic representation maps. n If in semantic nets form Reduces the volume of a thesaurus.Reduces the volume of a thesaurus. Favours a more intelligent behaviour based on inference reasoning.Favours a more intelligent behaviour based on inference reasoning. Conceptual maps n An effective tool in learning activities. n Useful essentially as an evaluation technique. n An appropriate tool to represent a knowledge domain. n Effective tool to externalize the cognitive structures of designers.