2 Size: 33,700 sq. km Population: 4.7 mln, 54% rural GNP per capita: US$ 410, the poorest country in Europe 55% of population poor
3 Started as a pilot in Dec Credit effective since Aug Five year project Cost: US $ 20 million IDA: US $ 15 million Sida: US $ 1.25 million GoM: US $ 1.25 million Communities: US $ 2.0 million Soros Moldova: US $ 0.5 million
4 Empowerment of poor rural communities by strengthening their capacities in community decision- making and management Improvement of the quality of basic social and economic services for the poor rural populations in Moldova
5 Social Services: education (schools, kindergartens, early child education) health (PHC, health education etc) Communal Services: water/sanitation, gas supply, roads/bridges, environment etc. Targeted Programs: children social development, de-institutionalization Community Development programs
6 Philosophy: work together to solve common problems, community solidarity Mechanism: grants up to US $ 75,000, creation of CBOs, technical assistance, training, post-investment phase Criteria: ownership, participation, investment sharing and sustainability Result: better community services and human/social capital development
7 Information dissemination, community facilitation Training and technical assistance Financial support up to 85% of the micro- project cost Monitoring, norms and standards Innovation (new heating technologies, space utilization, alternatives to residential care etc.) Fund raising
8 Organization of community meeting (30% of adult population) Prioritization of problems, finding solutions, selection of implementing agency (40% women) Collecting community investment (15% of total cost) Monitoring implementation (quality of works, scheduled of programs etc.)
9 Preparation of proposals Signing grant agreement Procurement of contractors and TA, signing contracts Supervision of implementation, signing off payments, ensuring quality of works and services, progress reports to community Ensuring sustainability, management
10 Community facilitation (PRA) Training: proposal writing, community action plan development, procurement, fund raising and management Technical Assistance: legal advice, registration, preparation of project design, work with central and local government etc. Round table discussions, seminars, contact with other development agencies Community newsletter “ Renovation”
11 CBO prepares 2 year development action plan (including O&M) Performance benchmarks agreed with the SIF SIF post-investment grant to match every $ of privately raised money for implementation of action plan Follow on projects with DFID funding
12 About 1,000 villages visited by facilitators 125 CBOs created, 16 % participation 115 micro-projects completed, covering about 10% of rural population Total community investment about US $ 2.0 mln, including US$0.5 mln post-SIF Post SIF grants: 10 communities Dutch grants for SBS program About 8,000 people received some type of training
20 Community development is time consuming How to scale up and maintain the quality of interventions (intensive training and participation) How to sustain impact on community capacity developed and solidarity when there is no growth and conditions deteriorate How to monitor the impact better, especially when it comes to human/social capital