INSTITUTION BUILDING FOR LEADER FROM LOCAL TO NATIONAL AND FROM NATIONAL TO LOCAL IN SLOVENIA Tihany, november 2006 Slovenian Rural Development Network, Msc. Zlata Ploštajner tel: European Commission
Slovenian Rural Development Network BASIC INFORMATION ON SLOVENIA Area: km 2 Population: 2 million Rural population: 57 % Rural areas: 93 % of Slovenia Number of holdings: Average size of holdings: 6 ha (10 ha with forest) Less favoured areas: 80 % of all areas Leader like activities: 31 Rural development programmes (potential LAGs) Size of LAGs: big differences (very small in population and area covered – very large in population and area covered)
Slovenian Rural Development Network SLOVENIAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK NGO, registered as non-profitable society, established in 2003 with the support of PREPARE organisational structure and functioning in accordance with the national law on societies around 300 members, hundred of them also have paid membership fees for 2006 acts as an informal network for Rural development programmes (future LAGs)
Slovenian Rural Development Network MISSION Bring together all those individuals and organisations who are involved, at different levels, in rural development in Slovenia, so that the well-being of rural people in Slovenia can be effectively pursued.
Slovenian Rural Development Network ACTIVITIES strengthening and widening of the Network through development of co-operation and mutual help among individuals and organisations related to rural development informing members and the public on all important activities regarding rural development, incentives from the field and best-practices representing interests of rural areas in elaboration of rural development policies and strategic development documents at the national and regional/local level providing training, counselling, and assistance to local areas in organizing local action groups (LAGs) and preparing local development strategies active participation in international institutions and events (Observatory, PREPARE, conferences that bring together individuals and organisations involved in integrated rural development
Slovenian Rural Development Network ACTIVITIES RELATED TO RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES (LAGs) meetings with managers of RDP (LAGs) forming of an expert group for co-operation with the MAFF in the area of programming and Leader preparation activities workshops for RDP (LAGs) information dissemination related to Leader and rural development some help with preparation for Leader in a view of exchange of experience
Slovenian Rural Development Network WORKSHOP FOR FUTURE LAGs (april, 2006) presentation of Leader by the SRDN presentation of good practice in establishment of local partnerships in Slovenia presentation of Austrian experience with Leader by Austrian partners presentation of NRDP and future activities in relation to Leader by the MAFF
Slovenian Rural Development Network WORKSHOP FOR FUTURE LAGs (november, 2006) results of the Leader Conference in Tihany) Rural Development Programs and implementation of the 3rd and Leader axes institutionalisation of LAGs, selection of Leader LAGs and functioning of LAG rules for state aid in relation to implementation of local development strategies role of human and social capital in integrated rural development
Slovenian Rural Development Network LIMITATIONS OF THE SLOVENIAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK very limited financial resources small financial grant from the PREPARE and from the Centre for NGOs (for two projects) no financial support from the MAFF completely voluntary work of its members problems in covering material expenses related to its activities
Slovenian Rural Development Network EXISTING STRUCTURE FOR LEADER National level: Ministry for agriculture, food and forestry (co-financing elaboration of local Rural Development Programs - RDP, setting rules and requirements) Slovenian Rural Development Network (NGO – informal Leader network) Local level: RDP with managers (potential LAGs– institutional form of LAG, functioning and financing not defined yet) municipalities as partners in RDP (local co-financing) Strengths: prepared RDP in accordance with Leader approach experience with Leader approach in elaboration of RDP built local partnerships already developed management and administrative capacity Problems: local partnerships in different stage of development big differences in management and administrative capacity big differences in size, population, human, economic and financial potential among RDP lack of financial support for implementation of RDP from the MAFF project implementation dependant on ability to acquire other resources lack of permanent and systematic professional support to LAGs
Slovenian Rural Development Network SELECTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LAGs Selection of LAGs by the MAFF based on the criteria related to: employment of Leader principles, quality of partnership, quality of strategy and implementation and administrative capacity Strategic goal: whole rural Slovenia should be covered by LAGs Responsibilities of LAGs: elaboration of local strategy management of partnership management of strategy implementation and LAG financial resources selection of projects for implementation (Ministry can only reject the project if violates EU and national regulation provisions) project management, reporting, control and evaluation Strategic goal: empowerment of local level (LAG) through financial and decision-making autonomy
Slovenian Rural Development Network TO STRENGTHEN BOTTOM-UP INITIATIVES LAGs should serve as local networks practicing Leader approach to rural development and be empowered to make decisions related to issues of local rural development establish the National Leader Network as a network supporting local actions and initiatives (LAGs) facilitate the exchange of information about the rural development problems at the local level provide for exchange of experience and best practices related to the promotion of bottom-up initiative between the EU members, what can help getting support for this approach within national debates
Slovenian Rural Development Network THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL LEADER NETWORK providing organizational structure for co-operation of Leader and non-Leader LAGs (network of LAGs – exchange of information, practices, experiences, joint actions, etc.) providing organized and professional support for all LAGs according to their needs (training, counseling, information dissemination, assistance to LAGs in their activities, etc.) developing and supporting Leader-like approach to local development being strong and influential partner, ensuring effective representation of rural interests in relation to the state implementation of the Leader program and rural development in general providing involvement and active participation in international Leader related activities and organizations/networks
Slovenian Rural Development Network NATIONAL LEADER NETWORK AND NATIONAL RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK NLN represents organized local initiatives aiming to provide conditions for integrated rural development at local level NLN is an equal partner within the National Rural Development Network NLN has financial resources on its disposal so that it could offer adequate support to the local level a separate Leader Network Unit established as a professional support to the Leader network National Leader Network Unit has to be staffed by responsible, experienced and well trained professionals who will be able to offer needed support to the NLN and its members National Leader Network Unit should not be mistaken for the National Leader Network, it just offers professional support to the NLN and should serve the needs of the network and all its members if the NLN is reduced to the NLNU and its activities the Network will never become a real player in the area of rural development
Slovenian Rural Development Network CONDITIONS FOR GOOD FUNCTIONING OF THE NATIONAL LEADER NETWORK openness to all respect for dialogue and equality of partners within the Network provision of information to all partners adequate technical/professional support to LAGs adequate financial resources for functioning
Slovenian Rural Development Network WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? Clarify open issues related to LAGs: institutionalisation of LAGs selection of Leader LAGs functioning and financing of LAG Clarify open issues related to administrative procedures related to LAGs: approval of projects by MAFF reporting and control procedures paying procedures Clarify open issues related to NLN and NNU: establishment of NLN and NNU provision of financial support for NLN and NLNU activities development and provision of support activities for Leader LAGs development and provision of support activities for LAGs that will not be selected during the first call Clarify time schedule for: the first and the second call for selection of LAGs call for LAG projects that need approval of the MAFF Implementation of local strategies should start as soon as possible, since local partnerships are eager to start with Leader.
Slovenian Rural Development Network With our commitment and co-operation LEADER will meet big expectations of local people. Thank you for your attention and come to visit us.