Teachers Institute Micro Hydro Follow Up Lonny Grafman Beth Eschenbach, Ph.D. Environmental Resources Engineering Humboldt State University
Outline for the Day Check In Pre – Assessment Why are we here? Update on DYF at HVHS Update from others Break Micro hydro basics Micro hydro fieldwork Lunch Micro hydro Advanced Discussion, Synthesis & Reflection Post-Assessment
Folks across the country are interested in increasing the number of students that go into STEM Next six slides are from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
“I would like to request that California Council on Science and Technology use its resources - experts in all fields of science and technology who are committed to a strong and vibrant California economy - and report back to me on how the State can better understand and use the assets at its disposal to build the infrastructure needed to lead the economy of the future.” -Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger 4 CEO-led Task Forces CA’s version of the NA’s four main recommendations from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
Mapping California’s science and technology education system: drilling down to details CREST (1999) Critical Path Analysis (2002) Teacher CPA (2007) from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
The Shrinking Pie Only 4% of 9 th graders graduate in S&E Up to 60% lost in college 32% CCC transfers from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
Source: Department of Finance. California’s racial diversification projection from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
Failure to achieve in education will have economic consequences Projected Change in Personal Income per Capita by State, Source: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (2005) from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
As recommended in TCPA, organized meeting in May 2007 to discuss a “teacher-scientist” model of professional learning & development CSU Cal Poly, US DOE Office of Science, and NASA Ames plan an expansion of Teacher- Scientist Initiative Model involves implementation of Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR) summer research internship program in federal labs 300 > 3,000 (total 40,000) Teachers as Scientists & Engineers from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology
DYF at HVHS Rube Goldberg Results INJUNeers Sizzle Your Pits The Destroyers The Bear Traps Team
Time Travel Award Best Teeter Totter 65 lb Test Award
Best Pit Crew Best Crush Most Dangerous
MM o s t R e l i a b l e MM o s t S u s p e n s e f u l HH i g h e s t C o m m o d i t y
Magic Bullet Ball Award Best Sound Best Theme
12 Students Completed 3 Design Documents in the Fall and Started Building in the Spring
Garden contains relevant cultural elements.
Garden contains relevant cultural elements
Assessment Results Students feel more confident about college However, at this point, no one is interested in pursuing engineering…. “too much paperwork Final assessment after end of project is planned this month.