Ozone Depletion Reducing the manufacture and release of halogenated organic chemicals.


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Presentation transcript:

Ozone Depletion Reducing the manufacture and release of halogenated organic chemicals

What are halogenated organic chemicals? CFCs CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons Chlorofluorocarbons HCFCs HCFCs Hydrochlorofluorocarbons Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

CFCs Can (in some cases used to) be found in: Can (in some cases used to) be found in: Aerosol sprays Aerosol sprays Cleaning fluids Cleaning fluids Freezers Freezers Air conditioners Air conditioners Refrigerators Refrigerators Industrial solvents Industrial solvents Dehumidifiers Dehumidifiers Foam insulation Foam insulation

HCFCs Are found in: Are found in: Heat pumps Heat pumps Central air conditioners Central air conditioners

A Brief History and Status 1978 – US banned CFC’s as propellants in aerosol products 1978 – US banned CFC’s as propellants in aerosol products 1987 – “Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer” International conference to control these chemicals. Signed by US and 22 other countries 1987 – “Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer” International conference to control these chemicals. Signed by US and 22 other countries Limited production and use of CFC’s Limited production and use of CFC’s 50% reduction in CFC production worldwide by % reduction in CFC production worldwide by 2000

A Brief History and Status “Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer” “Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer” Now signed by over 90 nations Now signed by over 90 nations Revised to require the virtual phaseout of CFC production by 1996 Revised to require the virtual phaseout of CFC production by – US “Clean Air Act Amendment” passed 1990 – US “Clean Air Act Amendment” passed

Alternatives and Replacements HCFCs (hydrochloroflurocarbon) HCFCs (hydrochloroflurocarbon) Positive aspects – Break down more quickly in the atmosphere posing less danger to the ozone layer Positive aspects – Break down more quickly in the atmosphere posing less danger to the ozone layer Negative aspects – if overused they could cause damage to the ozone layer in the same way as CFC’s. Redesigned appliances could use more energy than the original models Negative aspects – if overused they could cause damage to the ozone layer in the same way as CFC’s. Redesigned appliances could use more energy than the original models

Alternatives and Replacements HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons) HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons) Positive aspects – do not contain chlorine and are therefore safe for the ozone layer Positive aspects – do not contain chlorine and are therefore safe for the ozone layer Negative aspects – safety questions such as flammability and toxicity still unclear Negative aspects – safety questions such as flammability and toxicity still unclear

Alternatives and Replacements Hydrocarbons (such as butane and propane) Hydrocarbons (such as butane and propane) Positive aspects - they are relatively cheap and readily available Positive aspects - they are relatively cheap and readily available Negative aspects – can be flammable and poisonous and some increase ground-level pollution Negative aspects – can be flammable and poisonous and some increase ground-level pollution

Alternatives and Replacements Ammonia Ammonia Positive aspects – A simple alternative for refrigerators Positive aspects – A simple alternative for refrigerators Negative aspects – Must be handled carefully Negative aspects – Must be handled carefully

Alternatives and Replacements Water (and Steam) Water (and Steam) Positive aspects – Effective for some cleaning applications Positive aspects – Effective for some cleaning applications

Other Options and Alternatives Serious attempt at the control of the production, use, and emission of ozone- depleting chemicals world-wide Serious attempt at the control of the production, use, and emission of ozone- depleting chemicals world-wide Enforce by law and increase the recycling of these chemicals Enforce by law and increase the recycling of these chemicals Enforce and regulate the servicing of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment Enforce and regulate the servicing of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment

Other Options and Alternatives Regulate and promote safe disposal Regulate and promote safe disposal Approve and enforce the use of alternative chemicals that do not harm the ozone Approve and enforce the use of alternative chemicals that do not harm the ozone Regulate and enforce that CFCs and HCFCs are handeled legally when servicing or disposal of air conditioners Regulate and enforce that CFCs and HCFCs are handeled legally when servicing or disposal of air conditioners Proper protection against the UV radiation from the sun Proper protection against the UV radiation from the sun

Assignment 3.2.5: Research 1 national and 1 international agency/organization. Be prepared to describe, compare, and evaluate their roles in the reduction of emissions of ozone-depleting substances 3.2.5: Research 1 national and 1 international agency/organization. Be prepared to describe, compare, and evaluate their roles in the reduction of emissions of ozone-depleting substances