AMES avtomatski merilni sistemi za okolje d.o.o. (AMES Automatic Monitoring Systems for the Environment) Member of Ljubljana Technology Park AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
2 About the Company Originally established as a technical support group for experiments in nuclear physics (laboratory within the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana) Independent company from September 1992 Member of Ljubljana Technology Park Registered as a research group More than 20 years of experiences in development and small-scale production of sensors, instruments, networks and specialized software for the environmental monitoring AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
3 Product Line Meteorological sensors Anemometers Meteorological, hydrological and air quality stations Radiological instruments Continuous monitoring networks (ambient air quality, meteorological, hydrological, radiological early warning systems) Airport meteorological systems AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
4 Research Work Modeling (wind field reconstruction, diffusion modeling, short-term prediction modeling) Data quality control Development of new software techniques AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
5 Sensors Wind sensors Temperature sensors Humidity sensors Precipitation detectors AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
6 Anemometers Handheld anemometers Intelligent handheld anemometer / meteorological station Computerized anemometers / wind indicators AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
7 Radiological Instruments Portable pocket GM tube detectors / monitors Ambient radioactivity monitors for stand alone use or networking Portable radon monitors AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
8 Automatic Stations Portable meteorological stations Computerized meteorological, hydrological and environmental stations for stand-alone and network use Mobile stations PC-based stations AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
9 Environmental Monitoring Networks Meteorological, air pollution, hydrological, and radiological networks Stations, central units, workstations Data acquisition, data preprocessing, data transmission Data quality control Databases Presentation of data On-line modeling AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
10 Airport Meteorological Information Systems AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
11 Radiological Early Warning Systems AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
12 Software Dedicated software for monitoring systems, based on client / server principle Automatic data quality control Bussiness management (ERP, CRM, Scheduling) AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
13 Education and Training Training for use and maintenance of AMES sensors, instruments and systems Education on meteorological and environmental measuring AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
14 Servicing, Maintenance and Calibration Factory and field maintenance; calibration of sensors in AMES calibration laboratory AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
15 References Several hundreds of automatic stations in a number of monitoring networks (state networks, local communities, industry, thermal and nuclear power plants) 7 early warning systems (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Malta, Algeria, Azerbaijan and Slovenia) with over one hundred on-line radiological monitors 4 airport meteorological information systems Instruments exported to more than 20 countries worldwide AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
16 Images from some installations AMES d.o.o, Na Lazih 30, SI-1351 Brezovica, Slovenia
17 AMES d.o.o, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Images from some installations
18 AMES d.o.o, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Images from some installations
19 AMES d.o.o, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Images from some installations