Section 3: The American People Today
Vocabulary census census demographics demographics birthrate birthrate death rate death rate migration migration
The Census Many countries take a census, an official population count Many countries take a census, an official population count The United States takes a census every 10 years- last one in 2010 The United States takes a census every 10 years- last one in 2010 Determines how many representatives each state sends to Congress Determines how many representatives each state sends to Congress
Census Demographics Demographics- the study of the characteristics of human population Demographics- the study of the characteristics of human population Ethnic background, children in each family Ethnic background, children in each family Information from census helps government, businesses, and individuals plan for future Information from census helps government, businesses, and individuals plan for future
Population Growth Countries grow in three ways Countries grow in three ways natural increase natural increase adding territory adding territory immigration immigration
Natural Increase in Population Birthrate refers to the annual number of live births per 1,000 members Birthrate refers to the annual number of live births per 1,000 members Death rate- annual number of deaths per 1,000 members Death rate- annual number of deaths per 1,000 members
Adding Territory In the 1800’s the U.S. gained territories from France and Mexico In the 1800’s the U.S. gained territories from France and Mexico
Immigration Since 1820, more than 60 million immigrants from all over the world have come to the U.S. Since 1820, more than 60 million immigrants from all over the world have come to the U.S.
Population Changes The US Census helps us track these demographics The US Census helps us track these demographics Changing Households Changing Households increase in divorces, fewer children have led to shrinking household population increase in divorces, fewer children have led to shrinking household population Changing Women’s Roles Changing Women’s Roles Work outside the home, enter college and graduate Work outside the home, enter college and graduate An Older and More Diverse Population An Older and More Diverse Population People are living longer because of better health care and healthier lifestyles People are living longer because of better health care and healthier lifestyles
A Population on the Move Migration to the Cities Migration to the Cities Farm workers and their families began a migration, a movement of large numbers of people from region to region, to the cities Farm workers and their families began a migration, a movement of large numbers of people from region to region, to the cities By the 1920 the country’s urban population exceeded its rural population By the 1920 the country’s urban population exceeded its rural population
The Drive to the Suburbs The automobile changed the demographic of where Americans lived and worked The automobile changed the demographic of where Americans lived and worked larger homes, better schools, quieter neighborhoods larger homes, better schools, quieter neighborhoods 2000 census: 80% live in metropolitan areas, cities and their suburbs 2000 census: 80% live in metropolitan areas, cities and their suburbs
Migration to the Sunbelt 1950’s: industries and people moved from colder climates to warmer climates and more sunshine (North Carolina to Florida to southern California) 1950’s: industries and people moved from colder climates to warmer climates and more sunshine (North Carolina to Florida to southern California)