NWHPEC Board Meeting September 25, 2014 via Telecom In Attendance: Jennifer Ayers, Brett Gantz, Bryan Goodman, Alex Thomason, Julie Simmons Adjourned at 1:30pm Financial Update (Mike): - P&L and Balance Sheet are looking solid and back within our normal range. Julie’s Q2 salary and expenses from ESCO were received and reflected. Mike is working with Kim to look at Q payroll as Kim shows this as already paid. Event Updates (Julie): -Learning Tours: September 9 th at Columbia Machine and September 23 rd at Oracle America occurred. Oracle’s Learning Tour had eight participants, which is completely unusual for a Learning Tour. Julie will analyze how sign up’s go for Climax’s Learning Tour on October 14 th. -Training Classes: September 16 th Introduction to Lean at Axiom taught by Bob Szeimies and Mike Funke. Class was full, but Axiom had several folks drop out on the day of the class. Strong evaluations. -Executive Forum’s: Next up: Practical Problem Solving with Mike Hoseus, Workshop at Benchmade. Event is filling nicely with the Workshop sold out. Toyota Kata with Mike Rother on October 28 th – 30 th is full. Julie is filling the Workshop Coach spots now. For 2015, Julie has booked Dan Miller for a 2 nd five-part series due to the overwhelming demand from within NWHPEC. Thanks to Richard, Con-way is able to support these back to back sessions on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s to reduce Dan’s travel (we’ll put him up in a local hotel). Julie is continuing to work with Mike on our 2015 EMDS and Hoshin sessions. Telecom with Climax as a potential host for the EMDS Workshop occurred and Climax will confirm hosting ability in Mid-October. -Best Practice Sharing Session: Switching January 2015 session to an Executive session with David Marquet, author of Turn the Ship Around. Julie will contact David to inquire about his availability in that timeframe. Board suggested personally inviting other exec’s to this session via phone calls. Julie will break contact list equally between the Board Directors and provide names, company’s, and phone numbers by October. Old Business: -Payroll Processing Update: We have run two cycles with our new payroll processor PrimePay. The process seems to be working well with everyone receiving the correct information when they need it. Julie is still working with PrimePay to get her paycheck directly deposited. -AME Paid Registration: Our available AME registration pass was offered to NWHPEC. Climax is considering purchasing it and will confirm by September 26 th. If Climax doesn’t want the pass, Julie will contact Brett, who indicated an interest in using it. If Brett can’t attend the Conference, Silicon Forest Electronics is interested in purchasing the pass. Next Board Meeting:October 23 rd at Noon – 2:00pm New Business: -Board Directors Liability Insurance: The Board Directors on the telecom discussed the Director Liability quote received from Travelers, which would add a level of liability coverage for an annual premium of $895. The Board Directors on the call approved purchasing this additional liability coverage. This was a quorum, but Julie will ask the remaining Board Directors for their approval or comments on the meeting minute distribution .