Seeing Science with Animation Alyssa A. Goodman Harvard University
Seeing Science with Animation Telling a Story Capturing a Moment
PV Ceph: The Story Goodman & Arce 2004 Figure 1 “Speeding Young Star” (The Moment)
Animation for Good, and for Ill Good Stories (a.k.a.) “Visual Explanations” Evolution of processes in time “Tracking” Finding key moments Ill Studying processes where non-sequential frames are critically related e.g. 2-D slices of 3-D data, shown in time
Numerical Simulation of Star Formation (Good) Bate, Bonnell & Bromm 2002 (UKAFF) MHD turbulence gives “t=0” conditions; Jeans mass=1 M sun 50 M sun, 0.38 pc, n avg =3 x 10 5 ptcls/cc forms ~50 objects T=10 K SPH, no B or movie=1.4 free-fall times
Animation for Good & Ill Good Stories (a.k.a.) “Visual Explanations” Evolution of processes in time “Tracking” Finding key moments Ill Studying processes where non-sequential frames are critically related e.g. 2-D slices of 3-D data, shown in time
Barnard’s Perseus COMPLETE/FCRAO W( 13 CO) Animation frames are velocity “slices,” NOT time steps (Ill)
Coordinate System Position (x) Position (y) Velocity along line of sight (v z )
3D Slicer Demo IIC contacts: Michael Halle & Ron Kikinis
“Spectral-Line” Mapping
Alves, Lada & Lada 1999 Radio Spectral-Line Survey “Spectral-Line” Mapping
Velocity from Spectroscopy Intensity "Velocity" Observed Spectrum All thanks to Doppler Telescope Spectrometer
Intensity "Velocity" Observed Spectrum Telescope Spectrometer All thanks to Doppler Velocity from Spectroscopy
“Astronomical Medicine” Excerpts from Junior Thesis of Michelle Borkin (Harvard College); IIC Contacts: AG (FAS) & Michael Halle (HMS/BWH/SPL)
IC 348
“Astronomical Medicine”
Excerpts from Junior Thesis of Michelle Borkin (Harvard College); IIC Contacts: AG (FAS) & Michael Halle (HMS/BWH/SPL)
“Astronomical Medicine” After “Medical Treatment” Before “Medical Treatment”
Goal: Statistical Comparison of “Real” and “Synthesized” Star Formation Figure based on work of Padoan, Nordlund, Juvela, et al. Excerpt from realization used in Padoan & Goodman 2002.