The Living Matrix Workshop
Key Points of the Film Conventional science struggles to explain many aspects of life processes, sickness and healing Evidence suggests biological activity is governed by a ‘body-field’ rather than the nervous system, genes and hormones An integrated and holistic approach to healing involves working with the body-field Dr Bruce Lipton Edgar Mitchell Peter FraserLynne McTaggart Dr Eric Pearl Rupert Sheldrake James Oschman Rollin McCratyArielle EssexMarilyn Schlitz
Workshop Topics 1.The miracle of the cell 2.DNA & Genes – what are they and who is in charge? 3.The power of beliefs and the Placebo effect 4.The heart as the intuitive and emotional centre 5.The body-fields of life and information medicine Key word for the workshop – ‘POTENTIAL’ ‘Currently unfulfilled capacity to improve, develop, and achieve impressive feats; Anything that may be possible’
Our Miraculous Being Bones Muscles Digestion – 0.5 Ton/year Heart – 6800 lts/day - 101k beats/day Respiration 23,000/day Circulation – 60,000 miles Liver – 500 functions Endocrine – 60 hormones (6000 disorders) Reproductive – 500 billion new cells per day Nervous – 100 billion neurons Intelligence & Memory Thoughts – 1000/hour Emotions Psychology & Personality Beliefs Live 75 years From Arctic to Sahara Live in communities
The Cell What is a cell? Basic building block of life. There are about 200 different types of cells in the body. If a cell was the size of a marble = 0.5km cube () This is concentrated in us If string one cell to next will reach the moon and back Takes about 2.5 seconds for light to travel 1000 galaxies worth of cells Tour of the cell - Miracle of design in the cell Animal cell – nice 3d animation – no sound Nice talk thogh of organel functions - DNA replication (as malysia) 3 minute animation of cell bits – no words just music – very graphic good As above – Harvard cell animation - Cells Tissues Organs Human 70 trillion cells (70,000,000,000,000) are required to form an human adult. All cells work harmoniously together with the common purpose of creating us.
Google Cell If a cell were enlarged to the size of London then the objects in the following cell video would be the size of a leaf on a tree in one of London’s parks. Insert video clip - Google Earth London
BioVision – The Inner Life of the Cell Insert Video clip - The inner life of a cell
The Conventional View of the Body The body consists of atoms which group together to form molecules (chemicals) which somehow form living cells. Atoms are dumb objects floating in space that by chance come together to form molecules. The regulation and control of all the body’s functions are governed by genes, nerves and hormones. Healing is achieved by restoring the body’s chemical balance by using pharmaceutical chemicals or modifying genes.
The limitations of Chemistry The body explained through purely chemical activity with nerves and hormones acting as controllers has significant limitations when it comes to: Treating chronic disease Belief and the Placebo effect Mind, thoughts, intention, memory, intelligence Individuality/personality The shape and form of the body What controls cellular activity? The holistic action of 70 trillion cells Explaining healing Consciousness
Common Myths and Beliefs We are the victims in a fight for survival (Darwin) Genes control our fateLife dictates our destiny Big brother knows best We live in a harmonious interplay of events in which infinite possibilities are borne We are masters of our own genes We have free will, can manifest good things and choose how we react to events Our bodies have the knowledge & capacity to fix themselves Mother Nature ‘What if’ - Empowered Father Science ‘It is so’ - Disempowered