NON CONFIDENTIAL: Background – The Author James’ real name was Jacob (Ya’akov), changed over time through different translations James and Jude were Jesus’ earthly half brothers James and Jude did not believe in Jesus while he was on earth John 7:1-5(NLT) – What kind of friction do you think they had, light and darkness living in the same house – How do you think they felt when Jesus started teaching in the synagogue and proclaimed himself as the messiah? Jesus appeared to James after the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:7 (NLT) – Referred to himself as a “bond servant” of Jesus Christ and not as his earthly brother - James 1:1 (NASB) Leader of the early Christian church Historians referred to as “Camel knees” because he spent so much time in prayer Historians wrote that James was stoned to death after the high priest Ananus (son of Annas) stirred up the crowd against him.
NON CONFIDENTIAL: Background – The Book Likely the first book of the NT, written approx. between 45 to 49 AD years after Jesus’ death years before Paul’s missionary journeys years before the Gospels were written At that time written mostly for the Jewish believers Considered as 1 of the 5 Jewish epistles (James, Hebrews, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude) Referred to as the “Catholic” epistle because of its universality, no specific congregation or person, unlike Paul’s letters. James comparable to Proverbs – Not much doctrine but more practical living and how to live your life. Clear and concise instructions.
NON CONFIDENTIAL: Background Paul – For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. Romans 3:28 (NIV) James – You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. James 2:24 (NIV)
NON CONFIDENTIAL: Background “Epistle of Straw” according to Luther, he wanted to remove James –When he translated James from Latin into German he moved it to the appendix –He was fighting a “works based” theology during his time –What theology are we fighting today?
NON CONFIDENTIAL: Sources Book of James and Acts Stephen Armstrong