Chapter 9: The Origins of Genetics
Probability Likelihood that a specific event will occur Likelihood that a specific event will occur Can be expressed in words, decimals, percentages, and fractions Can be expressed in words, decimals, percentages, and fractions Equation for probability: Equation for probability: Number of one kind of possible outcome Total number of all possible out comes Number of one kind of possible outcome Total number of all possible out comes
Mendel: The man, the myth, the legend
Why Use A Pea Plant?
Traits Are Expressed As Simple Ratios Monohybrid crosses Monohybrid crosses Experiments: Experiments:
What Did Mendel Observe?
Law of Multiplication and Law of Addition
Probability of a Specific Allele in a Gamete Ex: A pea plant has two alleles for seed color: one is for yellow and one is for green Ex: A pea plant has two alleles for seed color: one is for yellow and one is for green What is the probability that that the gamete will carry the allele for green seed color? Yellow seed color? What is the probability that that the gamete will carry the allele for green seed color? Yellow seed color?