Ester linkages Eukarya Bacteria Ether linkages Archaea Isoprene
Figure: 01-07a Caption: Death rates for the 10 leading causes of death in the United States: 1900. Infectious diseases were the leading causes of death in 1900, whereas today they are much less important. Microbial diseases are shown in red, nonmicrobial diseases in green. Data from the United States National Center for Health Statistics.
Figure: 01-07b Caption: Death rates for the 10 leading causes of death in the United States: 2000. Infectious diseases were the leading causes of death in 1900, whereas today they are much less important. Microbial diseases are shown in red, nonmicrobial diseases in green. Data from the United States National Center for Health Statistics.
History of Microbiology 1664: Robert Hooke - microscope 1684: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - microorganisms 1798: Edward Jenner - smallpox vaccination 1864: Louis Pasteur - spontaneous generation 1884: Robert Koch - Koch’s postulates 1889: Martinus Beijerink - concept of virus 1929: Alexander Fleming - discovery of penicillin 1977: Carl Woese - discovery of Archaea 1981: First reports of AIDS 1983: Luc Montagnier - discovery of HIV 1995: Craig Venter - complete genome sequence