Famous Famous Scientists Historical Events: read and take notes over “Significant Events in Microbiology”, Appendix B, back of book 1590–Janssen-Dutch spectacle maker-first compound microscope 1660—Hooke-British scientist, looks at cork and names “cells” 1676—Leeuwenhoek-Dutch linen merchant-”Father of Microbiology” –he was recognized by the Royal Society of London for his discoveries During 1600’s true scientific thinking started overcoming superstitions: scientific method Scientists used this to take on the ancient belief of spontaneous generation (abiogenesis)—the development of life from non-living matter
Famous guys, cont. 1857—Louis Pasteur-French bacteriologist, his experiments put abiogenisis to rest (pg 13)—be able to outline his experimental steps Explained microbe’s role in fermentation Invented pasteurization and his research made the connection between infection and disease- became known as the germ theory of disease 1867—Joseph Lister- English surgeon—1 st to introduce aseptic technique—processes aimed at reducing pathogens in medical setting Disinfected hands and air with phenol (strong chemical) At this time surgeons used to wear street clothes into surgery!!
Really important guy…. 1875—Robert Koch-German bacteriologist, established a series of proofs that verified whether an organism was pathogenic and which disease it caused Called Koch’s Postulates— still used today Koch did his research with anthrax—discovered it was caused by Bacillus anthracis Pasteur, Koch and colleagues invented most of the processes still used today-CH 3 Nobel Prize for Physiology (1905) for his work with tuberculin
Koch’s Postulates 1.Agent must be present in every case of the disease 1.Agent must be present in every case of the disease 2.Agent must be isolated from host and grown in lab 2.Agent must be isolated from host and grown in lab 3.Disease must be reproduced when pure culture is inoculated into healthy host 3.Disease must be reproduced when pure culture is inoculated into healthy host 4.Same agent must be recovered again from experimentally infected host 4.Same agent must be recovered again from experimentally infected host
Taxonomy Refresher System still used today to name, classify and organize all organisms on earth given to us by……….. Swedish botanist, Carl von Linne`, who loved his system so much he changed his own name to honor it---Carolus Linnaeus Levels of Classification: Domain: 3 : archaea, bacteria, eukarya Kingdom: 5 : monerans, protists, animals, plants, fungi Phylum ( animals/protozoa ) Division ( all else ) Class Order Family Genus Species Dumb Kings Put Crowns On Fairly Good Sons
Still Refreshing …. Binomial System of Nomenclature—uses genus, species names Binomial System of Nomenclature—uses genus, species names Always capitalize the first letter of genus, lowercase the species Always capitalize the first letter of genus, lowercase the species Both underlined or italicized Both underlined or italicized Can use the first letter of genus (capitalized) and then species if you have already used the full name Can use the first letter of genus (capitalized) and then species if you have already used the full name For example: E. coli for Escherichia coli or B.subtilis for Bacillus subtilis For example: E. coli for Escherichia coli or B.subtilis for Bacillus subtilis HW Read “The Origin and Evolution of Microorganisms” on pgs 18-19; write your opinion of the info using supporting statements from other SCIENTIFIC sources; print a copy of your outside sources and attach to your paper HW Read “The Origin and Evolution of Microorganisms” on pgs 18-19; write your opinion of the info using supporting statements from other SCIENTIFIC sources; print a copy of your outside sources and attach to your paper