IEEE r SubmissionLiang Li VinnoSlide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Ranging: Essential Requirement in CMBAN Applications Date Submitted:Sept. 10, 2014 Source: Liang Li (Vinno Technologies Inc,), Dietmar Eggert (ATMEL); Suite 202, Building D, No.2 Xinxi Lu, Beijing, China, Voice: , FAX: , Abstract: Opening report for TG4r Task Group Purpose: Outline accomplishments from the March 2012 meeting and planned tasks for this meeting. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Sept. 2014
IEEE r Submission Medical Applications Liang Li VinnoSlide 2 Sept. 2014
IEEE r Submission Ranging and Location are Critical Applications 3 Slide 3 Liang Li, Vinno Hospital and Clinics Medical Instruments continuous monitoring Medical instrument management in hospital (See next slide for examples, etc) Therapy management Home Medical Data collection and download Exercising and sport equipment data Senior movement detection and location tracking Transportation Medicine or device location in deliver Patients location and monition in transportation (Some wearable, battery operated) Sept. 2014
IEEE r Submission Examples: Medical Applications in Chinese Hospital Liang Li, Vinno Slide 4 Sept. 2014
IEEE r SubmissionLiang Li, VinnoSlide 5 Characteristic of Hospital Patient Monitor Cart / Desk / Wall Mounted Display Can be implemented with Desktop Computer, Laptop, or SmartPAD USB Dongle for 15.4 to wireless sensors WiFi and/or Ethernet to hospital network AC Powered, with Battery Backup Stays with Patient, but can be moved to other areas on cart with battery backup. AC powered monitor allows for higher Tx power from monitor, and higher Rx sensitivity at monitor, so the sensor can be lower power. (Copy from N)
IEEE r Submission Expected Remote medical care Internal network Internet Secure exchange Manual exchange Security filters Data exchange Build private network User Authentication Slide 6 Liang Li, Vinno Sept. 2014
IEEE r Submission Sept Liang Li, VinnoSlide 7 Characteristic of Home Patient Monitor Uses same sensor configuration as in hospital Can be implemented with Desktop Computer, Laptop, or NotePAD Same USB Dongle for 15.4 to wireless sensors Internet to hospital network to provide same data to hospital staff and data base. Stays with Patient, but can be moved to other areas with battery backup and WiFi to Internet Hub. (Copy from N)
IEEE r Submission Medicine Transfer Box in Mobile Liang Li, Vinno Slide 8 Sept. 2014
IEEE r Submission Sept Liang Li, VinnoSlide 9 Position for Medicine Delivery The picture in previous page is medicine delivery box. New Chinese medicine management regulations: all of medicines must be positioned during transportation and the case conditions (such as temperature) must be reported on time. Currently, these positioning technologies are applied: GPRS (outdoor) GSM/GPRS (Indoor) Wi-Fi or WPAN applications (in trunk)
IEEE r Submission Approved China Medical Application Bands and Interference Sept 2014
IEEE r Submission Sept 2014 Liang Li, VinnoSlide 11 Application of 4R standard on China Medical Bands MHz, MHz, 608 – 630 MHz How to overcome the possible interference on these bands How to Compatible to IEEE N standard
IEEE r Submission Thank you !