Site License Advisory Team September 30, 2015 meeting
Agenda 1.Renewals –MATLAB, Mathematica, Minitab –SAS, Secunia, Sigmaplot, Adobe, JMP, Maple 2.Microsoft Updates –Windows 10 –Office Support Changes 4.ExamSoft 5.Usage-based recovery model description 6.Purchasing Updates: 1.Bids for enterprise-wide technology products 2.Update on Hardware 2
Renewals Minitab - complete MATLAB - complete Mathematica - complete SAS Secunia Adobe Sigmaplot JMP Maple 3
Renewals: Minitab License Server updated September 1 –No apparent impact to customers –We did notice a breakdown in the license server before any customers did, and updated it without generating any incidents Breakdown related to an old v. 14 product attempting to license against the server 4
Renewals: MATLAB Codes available in Self Service –Codes did not change, which means updating is easier than it has been. 5
Renewals: MATLAB Details on license update process: – All customers (approx. 8,000) have been contacted –Requested since 8/1: sent with codes –Requested 1/1-7/30: with info on how to re- request sent. Network licenses still need a request to OCIO –Network licenses are priorities today –Request via Self-Service: 6
Renewals: Mathematica On 9/1, Mathematica exipred and codes stopped working –We attempted to negotiate addition of Wolfram Alpha Pro, but were unsuccessful –The license has been updated –Licenses have been extended for current users, and new users can install 7
Renewals: SAS Codes should begin to provide warnings Nov. 15 –Codes will continue to work until Dec. 31 (hard fail) There is a funding gap on this product –Usage is higher than payments –Purchasing will audit SLSCs who downloaded, but did not pay in FY15 8
Renewals: Secunia Current license is uncapped Current usage is less than 10,000 machines –We will not be renewing an unlimited license Renewal site wide is currently quoted at $92, for 3 years –We will be contacting individual departments for cost shares, based on usage, early next week 9
Renewals: Adobe CC Adobe CC is up for renewal this month –Year 2 of a 3-year contract –No price change/increase There are no new codes or processes to update TechHub is working to handle home use distribution 10
Renewals: Other Products Sigmaplot –Expected renewal on time –Codes expire Dec. 31 JMP –Expected renewal on time –Codes warn Jan. 15, hard fail March 1 Maple –Expected renewal on time –No code expiration for this product 11
Microsoft Windows 10 KMS Servers Updated Education and Enterprise editions available in Self Service for SLSC’s –IT Service Desk recommends Enterprise edition for Faculty and Staff machines Microsoft now recommends skipping Windows 8 if you have not deployed 12
Microsoft Office 2016 Office 2016 became available for Mac machines in late August –IT Service Desk tested it, and it works There is a screen for signing into your Microsoft Account. This can be skipped in most cases. If your department uses a tool such as Casper or LanDesk to push Office 2016 it may need to be repackaged as license issues were encountered during testing of a push. –Information on the issue with packaging can be found at: an-office installer/ an-office installer/ 13
Microsoft Office 2016 Office 2016 Pro Plus for Windows is expected soon –Date yet unknown –We expect similar sign-in requirements, but likely an easier distribution process 14
Support Changes OSU Purchasing is reassigning part of a resource to help SLS –Eric D’Huyvetter will provide some time for incident and request management Two products are beginning the move on support changes (more detail next month): –ESRI – ESRI/ArcGIS support will be moving to Arts & Sciences –Qualtrics – We have begun discussions on moving this to OCIO for central support 15
Possible Site License: ExamSoft ExamSoft offered pricing is as follows: –$12/test taker for 10,000 –$8/test taker for 25,000 –$4/test taker for 50,000+ Currently, we have 5,000 active test takers at $40-45/taker –We believe our current need is for 10k test takers –ExamSoft is willing to provide the 50k tiered pricing for 30k test takers 16
SLS Chargeback Models Purchasing is reviewing a usage-based model to supplement discussion on FTE- based models –We have obtained all request information for copies of all software downloaded –Advantages of Usage-Based Real picture of what’s in use where Easy to track No issue with products with a “counted” license –Disadvantages Harder to predict Will lead to lower usage of more powerful software (and thus, lower value for those purchases) 17
SPSS By Usage 18
SAS & MATLAB By Usage 19
OSU Purchasing IT Update Bids in flight now –A bid has been released for an enterprise-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) replacement Seeking a cloud-based solution Expected to close in about a month Updates to Computer Hardware costs: –Dell and HP have both given us a price decrease on certain models of their PC’s and notebooks. –Prices are updated in their respective eStores catalogs. For further information, contact HP and Dell. 20
Questions/Comments Next meetings –October 30, location TBD –April 27, 2016 is the third annual IT & eStores Vendor Expo For SLS Questions, copy with any 21