2 Step 2: LoginStep 3: Change Your Password Step 5: Review Info. on Summary Budget Form Step 4: Complete Financial Report Step 1: Check Required Software using our web page SUMMARY Step 6: Interest Report Step 8: Reports Step 7: Final Reports
3 STEP 1: CHECK REQUIRED SOFTWARE (Listed on the ST ScI Web Site)
4 ACCESSING THE GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The web address for the GMS is: Required Browsers: PC:Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Macintosh:Microsoft Internet Explorer Unix workstation: Netscape (used with the GMS application dowloaded from our website) Minimum Computer Requirements:See Information on the above web site Type or copy the web address into your browser and press the “Enter” key. First-time users should check the website to verify they have the recommended software to run the system. Choose “Download Applet” from the applicable platform. (Unix users should cd to the directory where the GMS was installed and execute gms/bin/GMS The login box will appear once the applet has been downloaded. Type your *username, select your institution, and type your password.
5 STEP 2: LOGIN TO GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GMS Web address is: Please note that if there are individuals with your last name at other institutions, you will need to highlight/select your institution before entering your password. AO passwords are obtained from the ST ScI Grants Administration Office
6 GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAIN MENU Steps 4-7Step 3 Step 8 < Step Step 3 > < Step 7 <AO Function Step 8
7 STEP 3: CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD (recommended) It is recommended that you change your password after logging into the GMS for the first time.
8 CHANGE PASSWORD SCREEN The password must contain at least two types of characters (alphabetic, numeric, or symbols). Also the password must be at least eight characters, and may not contain the account username, or the person's first or last names. Passwords are changed in this screen as follows: Select the “Account” menu. Select “Set/Modify Password.” Insert the “New Password.” Repeat the password in the “Verify Password” block. If you decide not to set the password, select “Cancel” to return to the Main Menu. Please note that if there is more than one person in our system with the same username, the list of Institutions with that username will appear. Please select your institution name prior to typing in your password.
9 STEP 4: DETAILED FINANCIAL REPORT FORM Enter the reporting period ending date, and the cumulative expenditures and amount payment for each grant.
10 INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT FUNCTION Interim Financial Reports must be submitted periodically on every ST ScI grant. Normally, this is a function of the office that has the primary financial reporting responsibility for the institution, i.e. Research Accounting or Grants Accounting Office. However, any user with the appropriate privilege can perform this function. The AO may want to restrict the authority for submitting the financial report to ST ScI to specific individuals. Please note that only the AO may change the payee name and address information for the institution. To submit the Interim Financial Report to the ST ScI: Select the “Proposal/Grant” Menu. Select the “Interim Financial Report” function. Review the grants and amounts listed. Row(s) for grants that do not require submission on this report can be excluded. Please note that all basic grant information is provided by the GMS System including the PI name, HST grant number, Institutional ID number if it has been provided by the grantee, grant ending date, total grant amount, total amount available, and cumulative payments to date. Only the “Total Expenditures to Date” and “Advance Payments Requested” need to be provided by the grantee institution.
11 The GMS System automatically calculates the amount of the payment requested. Please note that negative payment requested amounts will be “$0”. No credits can be submitted on the Interim Financial Reports. If interest earned is to be returned, select the “Interest” tab to review the interest reported for this financial report. Any and all rows listing grants that do not have interest to report may be excluded from the interest section of the report. Select the “Internal Review Comments” tab to review any comments or instructions of the person preparing the report. Select the “Summary/Submit” tab to review the Financial Report Summary. Please note that the Certifying Official for all grant documentation will be the Authorizing Official for the Institution. Select the “Save” button to save the Financial Report. Select the “Submit” button to submit the Financial Report to ST ScI. To Print a copy of the Financial Report, select the “View/Print Preview” button. INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT FUNCTION cont.
12. Please note that ALL lines on the financial report must be filled in or excluded from the report form. To exclude a specific row from the report, highlight the row and click the Exclude Row(s) button at the bottom of the screen. To exclude multiple rows (either consecutive or not), click on the "Ctrl" (control) key and hold it down, select the rows to be deleted, and click on the Exclude Row(s) button at the bottom of the screen. To exclude all of the rows (such as in the interest report) or a group of consecutive rows, click on the top row, press the "Shift" key and hold it down, click on the last row that you want excluded, and then click on the Exclude Row(s) button at the bottom of the screen. INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT FUNCTION cont.
13 STEP 5: SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT FORM Information on this page will be updated from the detailed report form. You may enter review comments at the bottom of the form The payee information is obtained from a screen completed by the institutional Authorizing Official (AO). The AO is the only individual who may change this information.
15 STEP 7: FINAL REPORT Final Financial reports are prepared and submitted individually for each grant
16 STEP 8: Reports Various reports that are available to the user. Reports can be displayed on the screen or printed out. They can also be cut and pasted into an Excel spreadsheet.