Managing Windows Software & Updates SUS Server MS Baseline Security Analyzer Software and Group Policy Paul “The Yellow Dart” Peterson University of Minnesota
Microsoft SUS Server Hotfix and Service Pack Management
Why SUS Server Allows us to control which updates are applied and when Ease of management through group policy Other options SMS and MbsaFU
The BAD news Clients stop looking for updates pending reboot SUS Server requires IIS Little control over what is downloaded Not supported by NT4, 9x clients Requires SP3 on 2k clients
Our Experience Reliable and easy to manage Transparent to end users (fairly) Doesn’t install non-critical updates, office updates or service packs (until recently) Client logging only in IIS logs Dedicated server recommended
MS Baseline Security Analyzer MS security reporting
Why Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Freely available Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer v1.1.1 Full “featured” but easy to use Command line interface scriptable Verifies patches and configuration
The Bad News Reports are “noisy” False positives (or are they…)
Our Experience Easy to use Detailed reports Third party follow up tool available
Group Policy
Why Group Policy Policies easy to apply, enforce, and change Leverages AD layout and all the thought and planning that went into your domain Unavoidable
The Bad News (in general) Can be very confusing (nearly limitless options) Reporting tools are not good (2003 tools improved and available) Not well documented
More Bad News (software) Requires msi packages (some software is reluctant to be packaged) Non intuitive AND badly documented Software policy ONLY updated on reboot RELENTLESS
Our Experience Steep learning curve Easy to use once configured Greatest thing since sliced bread (for its intended purpose)
Group Policy for SUS Management Easy to use Prevents users from changing settings Full features require admin template from sp1 version of SUS
Learning from our mistakes Treat “production” GPO’s with care Document and test all policy changes Keep it as simple as possible It is easier to manage a lot of GPO’s than a lot of policy changes in a GPO Plan your OU structure carefully “Not Defined” is NOT default
The End susdeployment.asp grouppolwp.asp rbppaper.asp Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer v1.1.1 Group Policy Management Console (2003 XP) Software Update Services Server 1.0 with Service Pack 1