Targeting Midsection Weight By Dr. Eric Berg DC
Purpose of Cortisol To adapt the body to stress for survival purposes. HOMEOSTASIS: the tendency to maintain internal stability or balance of the body.
High or Low Cortisol????
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal is part of the ANS
Autonomic Nervous System ON OFF
Stress Can Be Measured
Stressed Measured
Passive Aggressive People
Tolerance To Stress
Adrenal Symptoms 1. Belly fat 2. Diabetes 3. Muscle atrophy 4. Bone loss 5. High cholesterol 6. High blood pressure 7. Acne 8. Allergies 9. Asthma 10. Inflammation 11. Sleep problems and sleep apnea 12. Excessive thinking 13. Anxiety 14. Crave salt and chocolate 15. Acid reflux 16. Calcium build up in soft tissues 17. Low tolerance to stress 18. Buffalo hump
Stress Accumulates
Visceral Fat
Auto-immune Condition Vitamin D becomes blocked by stress. Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) gets blocked by some unfriendly microbe. Vitamin D deficiency triggers auto-immune system. Benicar (HBP med) is a VDR analog.
Tips to Reduce Stress Get More Space Get More Sleep Be Less Serious & More Insouciant Potassium B1 Adrenal Night Formula Adrenal Day Formula Massage Tool
Insouciant Carefree Not serious Untroubled Unworried
Origin of the “Turn Off” Switch
Vagus Nerve
Ketosis & the Adrenal The problem is the adrenal forces the body to be in a state of gluconeogensis (makes new sugar). So you have to ensure you have adequate protein, zero sugars and plenty of high potassium foods. Fat have to be between low and moderate – they can’t be high.
What to Eat?
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