An Objective and Component View (Not included Drive: Balance and Turret: Axis Camera)
Robot Funnel Do Nothing Drop Funnel Lift Funnel Drive Drive w/ Joysticks Forward Reverse Left Right Turret StopFeedShootRotate Set Position Vision Do Nothing Passive Track Active Track Collection Stop Accept Balls Reject Balls Elevator Stop Raise Balls Lower Balls Subsystem Default Autonomous
Funnel Inputs Controls Button to raise arm up Button to lower the arm Sensors Upper Limit Switch stops arm. Lower Limit Switch stops arm. Functions Lower Arm Lower Button is pressed Lower Limit is hit when the functions is complete Switches to do nothing Raise Arm Raise Button is pressed Upper Limit is hit when the functions is complete Switches to do nothing Outputs Lower Arm Raise Button triggers the victor to apply negative voltage to window motor lowering arm Victor stops applying voltage when limit switch is hit Lower Arm Lower Button triggers the victor to apply voltage to window motor lowering arm Victor stops applying voltage when limit switch is hit
Drive(Tele-op) Inputs Controls Left Joystick Controls Motion of Left Tread Right Joystick Controls Motion of Right Tread Outputs Drive Forward Variable Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is released to stop the robot Drive Reverse Negative Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is released to stop the robot Turn Left Negative Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar Voltage is released to stop the robot Turn Right Negative Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar Voltage is released to stop the robot Functions(cont) Drive With Joystick Turn Left Forward Pressure is applied to left joystick and Reverse Pressure is applied to the right joystick causing the robot to turn left in place Pressure is released and robot comes to halt Turn Right Forward Pressure is applied to right joystick and Reverse Pressure is applied to the left joystick causing the robot to turn right in place Pressure is released and robot comes to halt Functions Drive With Joystick Drive Forward Equal Pressure is applied to both joysticks forward causing the robot to drive forward Pressure is released and robot comes to halt Drive Reverse Equal Pressure is applied to both joysticks backwards causing the robot to drive in reverse Pressure is released and robot comes to halt
Drive(Autonomous) Inputs Controls Autonomous Coding Functions Drive Forward Drive Reverse Turn Left Turn Right Outputs Drive Forward Positive Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Drive Reverse Negative Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Turn Left Negative Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Turn Right Negative Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar Voltage is stopped to stop the robot
Drive(Balance) Inputs Controls Autonomous Coding Sensors Gyro Accelerometer Potentiometer Functions Drive Forward Drive Reverse Turn Left Turn Right Outputs Drive Forward Positive Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Drive Reverse Negative Voltage is applied to both Jaguars Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Turn Left Negative Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar Voltage is stopped to stop the robot Turn Right Negative Voltage is applied to Left Jaguar and Positive Voltage is applied to Right Jaguar Voltage is stopped to stop the robot
Turret(Manual) Inputs Controls Axis Camera has a lock on basketball hoop. Trigger launches ball. Button raises and lowers speed. Sensors Left Limit Switch stops Turret Rotation. Right Limit Switch stops arm. Outputs Rotate Right Button sends constant signal to Turn Spike which sends positive voltage to the gear motor. Signal ends when button is released stopping turn. Rotate Left Button sends constant signal to Turn Spike which sends negative voltage to the gear motor. Signal ends when button is released stopping turn. Functions(cont) Rotate Right Button is held which turns the turret right until the button is released Rotate Left Button is held which turns the turret left until the button is released Functions Fire Ball Trigger is pulled and released launching ball out of turret. Launch Speed Throttle is adjusted to adjust speed. Outputs Fire Trigger sends an electronic signal to Upper Belt Victor which activates upper belt move ball into the path of the roller. Launch Speed Throttle sends variable voltage to a the Launcher Jaguar which adjusts the speed of the CIM.
Collection Inputs Controls Button to toggle between Accept and spit out Sensors None Outputs Accept Balls Button switches to Accept mode and sends positive voltage to Fisher-Price motor. Spit Out Balls Button switches to Spit Out mode and sends negative voltage to Fisher- Price motor. Functions Accept Balls Button is pressed causing roller to suck balls into the robot Spit Out Balls Button is pressed causing the roller to spin backwards and keep balls from getting into the frame perimeter.
Elevator Inputs Controls Button to toggle between Stop, Raise and Lower Sensors IR 3 (work in progress) Outputs Raise Balls Button sends signal to spike which sends positive voltage to window motor. Lower Balls Button sends signal to spike which sends negative voltage to window motor. Stop Button is pressed stopping the transfer of all voltage Functions Raise Balls Button is pressed causing Belt to lift balls to the turret. Lower Balls Button is pressed causing Belt to lower balls to the collector. Stop Button is pressed causing Belt to stop
RobotTurretStopFeedShootRotate Set Position VisionDo Nothing Passive Track Active Track Subsystem Default Motors Needed CIM Window Controllers Needed Jaguar Victor Encoder Potentiometer Command Device Buttons Axis Camera Solenoids 1 Turret Autonomous Only
RobotCollectionReject Balls Accept Balls Stop Subsystem Default Motors Needed Fisher-Price Controllers Needed Spike Command Device Buttons Autonomous Collection Autonomous Only
RobotCollectionStopRaise BallsLower Balls Subsystem Default Motors Needed Window Controllers Needed Victor 2 IR Sensor Command Device Buttons Autonomous Extra 2 Separate Belts Elevator Autonomous Only
Brought to you By Brought to you by: Flow Chart Creation – Justin Patridge Information Creators – James Womack – Justin Patridge – Collector – Elevator – Zinger – Balance/Bridge – Chassis