RSAP+ from Stroma You should have installed RSAP+ on your laptops, and we will use this for the exercise. Other software is available, we do not recommend RSAP+ as such, but is has the advantages of being available: free of charge to trainee surveyors without joining the Accreditation scheme offline as a windows desktop application
Walsham Cottage
Brick built off-gas detached house in Surrey with a SAP rating of 6 and an EI of 43. The house is in good condition with bottled LPG main heating which is generally not used by the tenant as it is so expensive to run, despite the boiler being modern and efficient.
Walsham Cottage There is a secondary solid fuel stove. Hot water is from a 25mm foam insulated tank with a supplementary immersion heaters fitted. It has about 5 fireplaces, but all but one are fitted with baffles or blocked by stove pipes. The remaining chimney is blocked with a chimney balloon which does not count as a blocked chimney for the purposes of an EPC.
Walsham Cottage The brick walls of the main house have a brick pattern indicating cavity construction. This is not un- heard of in Victorian houses, especially in exposed locations, but cavity wall insulation may not be possible (the cavity may be narrow or blocked by unconventional ties, etc.). Other walls in the rear annex are of typical pre-1900 '9-inch' solid construction and are uninsulated as are the solid floors throughout the house. The lofts throughout are insulated with 100mm of mineral wool. There is a fair sized area of unshaded South East / South West facing areas of roof, but these are a little complex in shape. PV may be a possible fit with the character of the house.
Walsham Cottage Three upstairs windows are fitted with excellent secondary glazing (fitted for sound proofing purposes due to proximity of the weir), and the remaining windows and doors are not draught proofed. The shower is electric. All but two of the lamps have low energy lamps are installed.
What should you expect from a good DEA?
What a useful DEA should be able to provide Willing to provide: draft EPCs / (‘EPRs’) evidence to back up data entry (inc photos or copies of documentation)
Survey data that a useful DEA can provide Survey Data field sheets not always available if iPad used, survey summary sheets only available from some software ‘xml’ file If you have the software (you do) this is a much easier way to access the survey data
Xml files Usually very easy, but beware of compatibility issues between software Sometimes an import results in errors (usually non-critical) Sometimes an import fails Work with your DEA – they may be able to help
Survey accuracy DEAs are subject to rigorous QA by their Accreditation Scheme But … experience with a DEA is the only way to assess their accuracy and reliability
How to find a DEA in your area
Installations Admin Keep evidence of installations (e.g. photos during installation, Building Control paperwork, invoices, commissioning certificates) These will allow DEAs to evidence high performing features (e.g. doors) or invisible (e.g. underfloor insulation)