IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Review Installation Openca ULAGrid Certification Authority Vanessa Hamar Universidad de Los Andes – Merida,Venezuela 5 th F2F Banff, 17/07/2007
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 2 Overview CA (offline) –Requirements –Web Server Installation –Database Installation –CA installation –CA Configuration RA (online) –Requirements –RA Installation –RA Configuration Dataexchange Tips
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America CA
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 4 Introduction The installation was done using: –Openca –Debian stable - (built from jigdo) –Linux ra #1 SMP Mon Mar 26 17:17:36 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 5 Requirements Packages gcc g++ perl –Perl modules: libcgi-session-perl libxml-parser-perl libauthen-sasl-perl libconvert-asn1-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-sha1-perl libintl-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libio-stringy-perl libmime-lite-perl libmime-perl libmailtools-perl libnet-server-perl libnet-ldap-perl libparse-recdescent- perl libx500-dn-perl libxml-twig-perl libdbd-pg-perl libdbi-perl libpg-perl
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 6 Web Server Installation apache2 –libssl-dev –a2dismod userdir cgid –a2dismod cgid –a2enmod cgi –a2enmod ssl –a2ensite default-443 Configuration Make a directory to put your certificates: Example: /etc/apache2/ssl Create your certificate: make-ssl-cert /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem Edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf Listen 80 Listen 443
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 7 Web Server Installation Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default NameVirtualHost *:80 Copy the configuration file cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites- available/default-443 Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-443 and add: NameVirtualHost *:443 ….. SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem SSLOptions +StdEnvVars Make a link and restart: ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-443 /etc/apache2/sites enabled/000-default-443 /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 8 Database installation Add the openca user and group: ca:~# groupadd -g 1555 openca ca:~# useradd -u g openca -m -s /bin/bash -c "OpenCA user" openca Install postgresql ca:~# apt-get install postgresql Create the user: ca:~# su - postgres createuser -A -d -P -E openca Enter password for new user: Enter it again: CREATE USER Create the database using the openca user ca:~# su - openca createdb -E utf8 -O openca -W openca Password: CREATE DATABASE exit logout
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 9 CA installation Download the source and make the installation: ca:/usr/local/src# tar xvzf openca tar.gz ca:/usr/local/src# cd OpenCA / Configure ca:/usr/local/src/OpenCA #./configure --with-openca- user=openca --with-openca-group=openca --with-web- --with-httpd-user=www-data --with-httpd- group=www-data --with-cgi-fs-prefix=/usr/lib/cgi-bin --with- htdocs-fs-prefix=/var/www --with-openca- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ca --with-etc- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ca/etc --with-module- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ca/modules --disable-external-modules - -enable-dbi --enable-rbac ca:/usr/local/src/OpenCA # make ca:/usr/local/src/OpenCA # make install-common ca:/usr/local/src/OpenCA # make install-offline
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 10 CA configuration Edit config.xml and change the values: ca:/usr/local/openca/ca/etc# cp config.xml config.xml.orig ca:/usr/local/openca/ca/etc# vi config.xml ca:/usr/local/openca/ca/etc# diff -Naur config.xml.orig config.xml --- config.xml.orig :16: config.xml :17: ,7 +55,7 strings in national languages here. --> ca_organization - + CeCalCULA <!-- -63,7 +63,7 strings in national languages here. --> ca_locality - + Universidad de Los Andes
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 11 CA configuration <!-- -72,7 +72,7 this country code is ALWAYS two characters long --> ca_country - + VE sendmail -84,7 +84,7 service_mail_account - + policy_link
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 12 Openca configuration Choose appropriate section below 'dataexchange configuration' line in each of these two files as shown below. config.xml –dataexchange_device_up: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openca/ca/var/tmp/ca-up –dataexchange_device_down: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openca/ca/var/tmp/ca-down –dataexchange_device_local: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openra/ca/var/tmp/ra-local Create the empty files for dataexchange –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ca/var/tmp/ca-up –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ca/var/tmp/ca-down –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ca/var/tmp/ra-local –chown www-data:www-data $OPENCA_HOME/ca/var/tmp/*
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 13 CA configuration Edit ca.conf.template ca:/usr/local/openca/ca/etc/servers# vi ca.conf.template ca:/usr/local/openca/ca/etc/servers# diff -Naur ca.conf.template.orig ca.conf.template --- ca.conf.template.orig :18: ca.conf.template :19: ,7 +227,7 SET_REQUEST_SERIAL_IN_DN "N" REQUEST_SERIAL_NAME "sn" -SET_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_IN_DN "Y" +SET_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_IN_DN "N" CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NAME "serialNumber" DN_WITHOUT_ "Y"
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 14 CA configuration Edit loa.xml files to make sure CPS.1 points to this correct CPS location: –sed –i 's| \ /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/loa.xml Change the cps number
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 15 CA configuration Change password for root login /usr/local/openca/ca/bin/openca-digest sha1 'mypasswd‘ cd /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/access_control grep -li ' ' *.template For each match in templates do: sed –i 's| Actual Passwd | New Passwd | g' \ /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/access_control/xxx.template
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 16 CA configuration Edit the files /usr/local/openca/ra/etc/openssl/extfiles/*. Using the definitions profiles in your CP-CPS By example: /usr/local/openca/ca/etc/openssl/extfiles/User.ext.templ ate –nsCertType = objsign –nsCertType = client, –keyUsage = critical,nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment –extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, Protection, timeStamping, –nsComment= "Grid Venezuela Certificate. For information go to
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 17 CA configuration Configure and start the service $OPENCA_HOME/ca/etc/ cp $OPENCA_HOME/ca/etc/openca_rc /etc/init.d/ /etc/init.d/openca_rc start
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 18 CA Initialization Go to and follow the links: General Initialization Phase I (Initialize the Certification Authority) –Initialize Database –Generate new CA secret key –Generate new CA Certificate Request (use generated secret key) –Self Signed CA Certificate (from altready generated request) (Accept defaults) –Rebuild CA Chain
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 19 CA Initialization General Initialization Phase II (Create the initial administrator) –Create a new request (Fill in the form and generate csr for CA Administrator) –Edit the request (Optional) –Issue the certificate –Handle the certificate Certificate and Keypair, PKCS#12, click Download. –Import into browser. Restart browser
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 20 CA Initialization General Initialization –Phase III (Create the initial RA certificate) –Create a new request (Fill in the form. Change Role to RA Operator. Generate csr for RA Op) –Edit the request. –Issue the certificate. –Handle the certificate Download. –Import into browser.
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America RA
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 22 RA installation Follow the same steps for install the operating system, apache2, postgresql, and the requirements. Please install openssh, and close the ports than you don’t want to use.
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 23 Ra installation Install Openca --with- openca-user=openca --with-openca-group=openca --with-web- --with-httpd-user=www-data --with-httpd- group=www-data --with-cgi-fs-prefix=/usr/lib/cgi-bin --with- htdocs-fs-prefix=/var/www --with-openca- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ra --with-etc- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ra/etc --with-module- prefix=/usr/local/openca/ra/modules --disable-external-modules - -enable-dbi --enable-rbac make make install- common make install-online
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 24 RA Configuration ra:/usr/local/src/OpenCA $ cd /usr/local/openca/ra/etc ra:/usr/local/openca/ra/etc$ cp config.xml config.xml.orig ra:/usr/local/openca/ra/etc$ vi config.xml ra:/usr/local/openca/ra/etc$ diff -Nuar config.xml.orig config.xml --- config.xml.orig :24: config.xml :26: ,7 +55,7 strings in national languages here. --> ca_organization - + CeCalCULA
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 25 RA Configuration strings in national languages here. --> ca_locality - + Universidad de Los Andes <!-- -72,7 +72,7 this country code is ALWAYS two characters long --> ca_country - + VE sendmail -84,7 +84,7 service_mail_account - + policy_link
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 26 RA Configuration –cd servers –ra$ cp ra.conf.template ra.conf.template.orig –ra$ vi ra.conf.template –ra$ diff -Naur ra.conf.template.orig ra.conf.template --- ra.conf.template.orig :28: ra.conf.template :29: ,7 +190,7 SET_REQUEST_SERIAL_IN_DN "N" REQUEST_SERIAL_NAME "sn" -SET_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_IN_DN "Y" +SET_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_IN_DN "N" CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NAME "serialNumber" DN_WITHOUT_ "YES"
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 27 RA Configuration Edit loa.xml files to make sure CPS.1 points to this correct CPS location: –sed –i 's| \ /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/loa.xml Change the cps number This files must be the same in the CA machine.
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 28 RA Configuration Create empty files for Dataexchange: –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ra/var/tmp/ca-down –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ra/var/tmp/ra-down –touch $OPENCA_HOME/ra/var/tmp/ra-local –chown www-data:www-data $OPENCA_HOME/ra/var/tmp/* Change the values in config.xml –dataexchange_device_up: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openca/ra/var/tmp/ca-down –dataexchange_device_down: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openca/ra/var/tmp/ra-down –dataexchange_device_local: Replace /dev/fd0 by /usr/local/openca/ra/var/tmp/ra-local
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 29 RA Configuration Change password for root login /usr/local/openca/ca/bin/openca-digest sha1 'mypasswd‘ cd /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/access_control grep -li ' ' *.template For each match in templates do: sed –i 's| Actual Passwd | New Passwd | g' \ /usr/local/openca/openca/etc/access_control/xxx.template
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 30 RA Configuration Configure the templates in cp /usr/local/openca/ra/etc/servers/ra.conf.template /usr/local/openca/ra/etc/servers/ra.conf.template.orig Edit ra.conf.template
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 31 RA Initialization Configure –ra:/usr/local/openca/ra/etc/ Copy the startup script: –ra:/usr/local/openca/ra/etc$./ Start the service –cp $OPENCA_HOME/openca_rc /etc/init.d/ –/etc/init.d/openca_rc start
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 32 RA Initialization Go to Administration Server Init Init New Node Import Configuration under "PKI Setup". This step should report sucess after prompting for confirmation.
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 33 RA Intialization
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Dataexchange
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 35 Dataexchange Go to –Administration –Dataexchange –Enroll data to a lower level of the hierarchy –Configuration Next, download 'Configuration' on ra-node as follows: Go to –Administration –Dataexchange –Download data from a higher level of the hierarchy –Configuration
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 36 Dataexchange Go to –Administration –Dataexchange –Enroll data to a lower level of the hierarchy –All Next, download 'All' on ra-node as follows: Go to –Administration –Dataexchange –Download data from a higher level of the hierarchy –All
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 37 Dataexchange
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 38 Dataexchange
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 39 CRL Certificate Revocation List (CRL): Version 2 (0x1) Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: /C=VE/O=Grid/O=Universidad de Los Andes/OU=CeCalCULA/CN=ULAGrid Certification Last Update: Jul 10 16:06: GMT Next Update: Aug 9 16:06: GMT CRL extensions: X509v3 CRL Number: 1 No Revoked Certificates. Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption …… BEGIN X509 CRL-----
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 40 References LiveCD.htmlhttp:// LiveCD.html html html Guide#Notes_about_the_installationhttp:// Guide#Notes_about_the_installation s04.htmlhttp:// s04.html Guide093http:// Guide093