1 TEISS Case Project Introduction Melinda Ronca-Battista and Angelique Luedeker ITEP/TAMS Center
2 Topics Covered in Case Project Generating a new TEISS project Adding Point sources Adding Nonpoint sources Using the TEISS calculators Exporting data to EIS format Adding a new inventory year Generating reports and charts
3 New Project Generation Welcome Screen Save project You need to start a new project to work on the Case Project
4 Geographic Area & Timeframe Case Project for 2008 emission year Hopi Tribe’s Reservation Do not select your tribe for this Case Project
5 Data Entry Option 1 - Source Type Toolbar Facility Release point Nonpoint Non-road On-road Event Can be used to enter sources into TEISS project Usually only used for point sources and events where coordinates are not known Easier to enter nonpoint and mobile sources manually instead of drawing them on map
6 Graphically Defining Sources Click on icon of source type you want to add in toolbar Draw polygon for source, make sure it is in tribal boundaries (for Case Project, anywhere inside tribal boundaries is fine) Geographic data automatically input into TEISS Nonpoint/Mobile sources automatically defined as entire county/tribe
7 Location and Facility Data Entry After drawing the facility on map, this window opens Select Tribe and click Continue to open next screen for facility data entry
8 TEISS View – Input Field Colors Mandatory Fields Mandatory for inventory. Designates a data element that EPA and most data users require to be present to consider an inventory useful Necessary Fields Necessary fields also important to NEI data users, but for which reasonable defaulting schemes may be applied by EPA if value not reported Optional Fields QA/QC data, for example, and other info that is useful to track if you have collected it!
9 Data Entry Tips Cannot enter data in grey fields Cannot type in fields with dropdown arrow or search button, must select from list Click OK button after entering data, otherwise data not saved
10 Release Point Data Entry Select Emission Release Point tool from Source Type toolbar Click in facility, in center of facility if you do not know exact location of release point TEISS assigns coordinates that can be copied and pasted as facility coordinates
11 Data Entry Option 2 - Defining Records Manually Click on Input icon if Linear Data Entry screen is not open Point Data Elements that must be added manually: Emission Units Processes Control Equipment Release Point Apportionment Reporting Period Emissions Click on Add button to add a record; Edit or Delete a record by clicking on the record and selecting your option
12 Defining Records Manually Blue shading shows which record type you’re looking at. Breadcrumbs panel shows which record you’re working within.
13 Emission Calculators TEISS has built-in emission calculators (based on AP-42) used for estimating emissions from point or nonpoint sources Calculators prompt you for required information
14 Accessing TEISS Calculators Option 1, From Estimate button in Reporting Period record Use to import emissions for a source into your TEISS project Option 2, From Calc button on TEISS Toolbar Use only to determine what activity data to collect for a source since emissions are not imported into TEISS project from here
15 Calculator Screens Calculator Search, shown after clicking on the Estimate button in Reporting Period record Calculator for Refuse Combustion, click Calculate to estimate and import emissions
16 Working with Search Dialogs Drop-down box Type code and TEISS View will automatically find match Select from list by double-clicking highlighted selection Search box Click on button and use Search function To clear field, select blank entry located on top of list If there is no blank entry, the field is mandatory
17 NEI Export Function Access NEI Export function by Selecting NEI button from toolbar Or NEI menu and then “Export to NEI” Follow steps specified in Case Project File is stored as an XML file NOT automatically submitted to NEI Be aware of validation options!
18 Validation Options Start here Finishes here Red diamonds indicate something that needs to be fixed before NEI submission
19 Inventory Year Shows inventory year you are working on Add new inventory year if collecting activity data for sources on reservation for a different year than NEI data
20 Generating a New Inventory Year Specify year and click Next Next screen has two options: Select Blank Inventory Year to start from scratch Year starts with empty Input View Select Copy Data from Existing Inventory Year to update an existing Level 1, 2, or 3 EI Used in Case Project Need to specify what source categories to copy data from
21 Copy Existing Data Specify Inventory Year to copy data from and click Next Next screen has two options: Copy Complete Data Copies all data, including emissions Used in Case Project Copy Data Selectively Emissions are not copied Recommended if TEISS calculators used to estimate emissions Need to specify what source categories to copy selectively from
22 New Inventory Year Enter any notes on new inventory year and click Next Click Finish on next screen Click Yes to generate the new inventory year
23 Switching Inventory Year After generating new inventory year, Inventory Years dialog box is shown again, but with new year included When screen first opens, still in previous inventory year Check box next to new inventory year to switch to that year, then click Yes on message box Make sure to do this before updating data After closing Inventory Years dialog box, confirm new inventory year is displayed in TEISS
24 Point Sources Nonpoint Sources Mobile Sources Total Emissions TEISS Reporting Functions
25 Reports – Example Filter Screen Example, choose any number of Pollutants to report Checks selected pollutant Unchecks selected pollutant Checks all pollutants on list Unchecks all pollutants on list Switches selection of pollutants
26 Reports: Emission Density Maps Available for any reports with “by Location” in name Accessed by clicking on Density Map tab Shows different color shadings based on tons/square mile of pollutant Could be used to compare pollutant emission levels in different counties
27 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series For projects with multiple inventory years, each source type allows you to graph changes over time to analyze emission trends. These reports have “Year” in their names, “by SCC/Year” report is an example.
28 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series There is an additional window in the filter Allows you to choose which years you want to graph.
29 Reports: Total Emissions Time Series Example Time Series Graph
30 Homework due in 5 days: Complete Section 1 through Section 4 of the Case Project in the TEISS Training Course manual Do NOT complete Section 5 on importing NEI data that begins on page 53 In Section 4 of the Case Project, you export the project data in the NEI format Zip the file that you generate in the NEI format in this section and it to the instructors