Quick overview on how to sell the benefits of the Cancer Indemnity Plan
The TFBR Method Of Selling Use the TFBR method to sell your product or service. Never present a feature of a product and/or service without explaining how it benefits your prospects and their employees. T – Tie Back: Remind your prospect of his/her needs F – Feature: What is it? B – Benefit: What will the feature do for the prospect? R – Reaction: Confirm its importance.
The Tie Back Preface your feature/benefit statement by first using a tieback. A tieback reminds the prospect of a need or concern he/she expressed earlier during your open- ended questions. Sample Tie-Back Starters You mentioned that… You indicated you were concerned about… I know you place a great importance upon… You shared a concern about
The Reaction End each TFBR with an open-ended reaction question. This involves the prospect in your product presentation and keeps you from doing all the talking. Examples of Reaction Questions How do you see that working in your situation? In what way would this be helpful to you? When would this be the most helpful? What’s your opinion about what we’ve discussed?
Examples on how to sell benefit of the Personal Cancer Indemnity Plan
Feature: First-Occurrence Benefit Tie Back: You mentioned that you were concerned about the financial impact that a serious illness could have on you and your family… Features: Aflac’s Personal Cancer Indemnity plans pays a First- Occurrence Benefit of up to $7,500 upon an initial diagnosis of internal cancer. Benefits: This money may be used however you choose, whether to cover deductible or copayments, make mortgage or rent payments, or buy groceries.
Feature: Accident Hospital Confinement Benefit Continued Reaction Question: How do you see that helping you?
Feature: Wellness Benefit Tie Back: I know you place great importance on offsetting the cost of physician visits, while also getting the basic health care and your family need… Features: Aflac’s Personal Cancer Indemnity plan pays a wellness benefit once per year to each covered person who undergoes one of several specific cancer screening procedures. Benefits: This allows you and your family to take advantage of preventive screening examinations, while providing cash benefits that may be used toward your deductible or copayment so you don’t have to worry about out-of-pocket costs.
Feature: Major Diagnostic Exams Benefits Continued Reaction Question: In what way would this be helpful to you and your family?
Feature: Transportation Benefit Tie Back: You shared a concern about the out-of-pocket cost of travel to obtain medical care. Feature: As you know, the highest level of care isn’t always available in your local community. Aflac’s Personal Cancer Indemnity plan pays a Transportation Benefit of up to $.50 per mile for cancer treatment received more than 50 miles from your home. This will enable you or a covered family member to travel to another city or state to receive the highest level of care.
Feature: Transportation Benefit Continued Benefit: This feature will help cover the high cost of transportation and provide you the assurance that you or a covered family member can get the best care available. Reaction Question: How do you see that working in your situation?
Couple With The Personal Recovery Plus (Critical Illness) You are already protecting them from the threat of cancer. Why not protect against heart attacks, strokes, and more. The Personal Recovery Plus is a great complement to Aflac’s cancer plan. Combining the two products creates a comprehensive critical illness package.
General Sales Tip “Never share the cost before you have established the value.” You must engage your client in a thorough discussion regarding his or her personal needs. If you client doesn’t recognize the need, he or she has no reason to own your product. The goal is to focus the client of value, not cost. Any discussion of cost that does not also include a detailed discussion of value is wasted time for both you and your client.
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