Carpentry Oxy-fuel Know How’s Electrode Numbering Welds & Positions General shop safety final jeopardy May 2007
Click to check answer Carpentry 200 Stationary piece of equipment used to rip a piece of plywood.
Answer: What is table saw? Back to game board
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 200 Never stand in front of this when turning on gas Click to check answer
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 200 Answer: What are the gauges? Back to game board
Electrode Numbering for 200 Identify the tensile strength on this rod: E6013 Click to check answer
Electrode Numbering for 200 Answer: What is 60 thousand pounds? Back to game board
Welds & Positions for 200 Click to check answer
Welds & Positions for 200 Answer: What is a butt? Back to game board
General Shop Safety Class of fire when paper and clothes are on fire Click to check answer
General Safety Answer: What is class A? Back to game board
Carpentry 400 Click to check answer Portable saw that can be used to rip a piece of plywood.
Carpentry 400 Answer: What is circular saw? Back to game board
Daily Double Click to continue
Daily Double Never use acetylene at a pressure greater than this Click to check answer
Daily Double Answer: What is 15 PSI? Back to game board
Electrode Numbering for 400 The third digit from the left indicates this Click to check answer
Electrode Numbering for 400 Answer: What is the welding position? Back to game board
Welds & Positions for 400 Click to check answer
Welds & Positions for 400 Answer: What is flat? Back to game board
General shop safety 400 Numbered lens used when cutting with the oxyacetylene torch. Click to check answer
More Welding Terms for 400 Answer: What is a #5 lens? Back to game board
Carpentry 600 Click to check answer One should use this saw to cut a hole for a door knob.
Carpentry 600 Answer: What is jigsaw? Back to game board
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 600 A carbonizing flame occurs when there is too much of this gas. Click to check answer
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 600 Answer: What is acetylene? Back to game board
Electrode Numbering for 600 Welding position for this rod: E7048 Click to check answer
Electrode Numbering for 600 Answer: What is vertical down only? Back to game board
Welds & Positions for 600 Click to check answer
Welds & Positions for 600 Answer: What is a tee? Back to game board
Number of lens used when welding Click to check answer
General safety 600 Answer: What is a #10 lens? Back to game board
Carpentry 800 Click to check answer This should be worn at all times in the shop to prevent eye injuries.
Carpentry 800 Answer: What is safety glasses? Back to game board
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 800 Preheat metal to this color before starting to cut Click to check answer
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 800 Answer: What is cherry red? Back to game board
Electrode Numbering for 800 The last digit on a welding rod indicates this Click to check answer
Electrode Numbering for 800 Answer: What is current? Back to game board
Welding positions Click to check answer.Makes vertical and overhead welds so difficult.
Welding positions for 800 Answer: What is gravity? Back to game board
More Welding Terms for 800Measure of energy available or work that can be doneClick to check answerMore Welding Terms for 800Measure of energy available or work that can be doneClick to check answer General safety Fire hazard if not short or put up.
More Welding Terms for 800Answer:What is a watt?Back to game boardMore Welding Terms for 800Answer:What is a watt?Back to game board What is long hair?
Carpentry 1000 Click to check answer Stationary tool used for difficult cuts.
Carpentry 1000 Answer: What is bandsaw? Back to game board
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 1000 A burning inside the torch that causes a squealing or hissing noise Click to check answer
Oxy-fuel Know How’s for 1000 Answer: What is flashback? Back to game board
Electrode Numbering for 1000 What the E stands for Click to check answer
Electrode Numbering for 1000 Answer: What is electrode? Back to game board
Welds & Positions for 1000 Click to check answer
Welds & Positions for 1000 Answer: What is vertical down? Back to game board
Daily Double Click to continue
Daily Double One should say what before striking an arc to prevent welding flash. Click to check answer
Daily Double Answer: What is cover? Back to game board