DogsCatsmonkeys ,000
How many Times should You bathe your dog?
Once A week
True or False Dogs Chase Their Tails
It Is True
True or False There should be A fresh bowl of water every two weeks?
When do you give Your dog food?
Every day should be a fresh bowl of food
When should you take your dog outside to poop?
Every morning,afternoon,night
When should give milk to cats?
Every day
How many times should you groom a cat?
Once a week
True or False some cats like dogs
Do cats lick themselves to be wet?
No They do it to clean themselves
How do cats communicate?
With cat sounds
What do monkeys eat?
Monkeys eat bananas
Where do monkeys live?
In trees
How do monkeys clean themselves?
With mud
How do monkeys communicate?
With their tails
Why do monkeys drool
Because they are hungry