Grab Bag Congress Leaders in Congress Political Culture Constitution
Constitution 10 Name one weakness of the Articles of Confederation.
Constitution 20 What was the most important issue the framers faced in creating a new Constitution?
Constitution 30 Define popular sovereignty AND give an example of this principle in the Constitution.
Constitution 40 Name three common ways in which the Constitution is INFORMALLY amended.
Constitution 50 Name ONE of each, as expressly listed in the Constitution: An enumerated power A reserved power A concurrent power
Political Culture 10 What is the difference between political culture and political ideology?
Political Culture 20 List TWO core beliefs that are inherent in American political culture.
Political Culture 30 What is political efficacy?
Political Culture 40 Define political socialization, and list THREE factors of a person’s political socialization.
Political Culture 50 The textbook argues that American political parties are relatively weak. List one reason AND one example of this idea.
Leaders in Congress 10 Who are the three Congress(wo)men currently representing Shaker Heights, Ohio?
Leaders in Congress 20 Name TWO responsibilities and/or powers of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Leaders in Congress 30 What is the role of the whips in the Senate and in the House of Representatives?
Leaders in Congress 40 In the case of a tie in the Senate, who casts the tie-breaking vote?
Leaders in Congress 50 Name TWO ceremonial jobs in Congress.
Congress 10 How many representatives currently serve in the House of Representatives?
Congress 20 Name ONE non-legislative power of Congress, as stated in the Constitution.
Congress 30 Where does most of the discussion about bills take place in Congress?
Congress 40 What is the purpose of a conference committee?
Congress 50 List the President’s FOUR options when a bill is passed in both houses of Congress and is placed on his desk.
Grab Bag 10 List the TWO ways in which Constitutional amendments can be PROPOSED.
Grab Bag 20 Before the 17 th Amendment, how were Senators chosen?
Grab Bag 30 What is a superdelegate?
Grab Bag 40 List TWO ways in which federalism is inherent in the Constitution of the U.S.
Grab Bag 50 Who is the current President Pro Tempore of the Senate?
FINAL JEOPARDY All teams: – What do the philosophies of Hobbes and Locke share in common?