Prescription Assistance Program (PAP) Mission “Aiding individuals in obtaining needed medication for maintaining and improving healthy lives.”
History of PAP - Established in 2003 as a collaborative effort between SCASC, Dakota Medical Foundation and regional health care providers - Piloted in Valley City and furthered developed with an office in Fargo - Currently serving clients and health care providers in ND, MN, SD and four additional states
Need for PAP - Address the barriers disadvantaged individuals face when attempting to access needed medication: Low-income, lack health insurance, lack prescription coverage and seniors in the Medicare Part D Coverage Gap - Reduce operating costs for health care providers in relation to prescription assistance processing
Statistical Need Assessments conducted with Dakota Medical Foundation: 11.2 Average hours of service per PAP client annually 56% Average savings per client PAP provides on operating costs to providers
Average Client - Lacks major form of health insurance - Below 250% of Federal Poverty Level - Seeks assistance for 5+ medications - Receives $10,500+ prescription savings annually
Services Provided Prescription Assistance Processing (Five-step process including initial referral, coordination between client and health care provider and submission of materials to pharmaceutical manufacturers) Case-Management (Average client receives three refills per medication annually)
Services Provided Cont. Health Insurance Counseling (Certified through North Dakota Insurance Department) Outreach (Service information to health care and human service providers and responsible prescription use information to clients. Presentations to electronic newsletters.)
How Prescription Assistance Works Initiated by referral from health care provider, human service organization or self-initiated Continues with five step processing consisting of coordination between patient, health care provider, and pharmaceutical manufacturer Ends with individual receiving 90-day supply of medication (mailed to home or doctors office) and being eligible for three refills per medication annually
How $$$ Is Saved Patients (Savings on prescription medication and office visit co-pays) Providers (Savings on operating costs) Manufacturers (Tax incentive to provide medications to 501(c)3 programs and low income individuals)
PAP Organization Program Director (1) Part-Time Staff / Technicians (3) Contributors: Courier systems between offices and providers and provider enrollment / credentialing services
2010 Annual Snapshot 262 Health Care Providers Served 465 Clients Served 2,727 Medications Processed $4,892,040 Prescription Savings Obtained
Top Medications Obtained 2010 MedicationCostUse____________ Glucose Test Strips $839,640.90Diabetic Testing Supply NovoLog $538,877.36Rapid-Acting Insulin Lantus$290,596.95Long-Acting Insulin Humira$164,588.40Arthritic Anti-Inflammatory Symbicort$109, Respiratory Steroid Humalog$102,093.90Rapid-Acting Insulin Lamictal$100,171.30Anticonvulsant Advair Diskus$90,806.47Respiratory Inhalation Neurontin$85,650.30Anticonvulsant Abilify$75, Anti-Psychotic / Dementia
Provider Assessment Results 100% Believe the patients they refer are able to maintain or improve their overall health 100% Save operating time and costs due to being able to refer clients to PAP
Client Assessment Results 100% Believe they are able to maintain or improve overall health due to access to PAP services 98% Of individuals who lack basic health insurance benefit by being able to access PAP services 60% Do not engage in lifestyle activities that are detrimental to their prescription use
Strategic Plan Expansion of services and service area (Balance rural and urban needs) 2. Development of acute medication voucher (Reduce systemic costs if left untreated) 3. Development of “Fill The Pill” fundraising drive (Diversification) 4. Development of “Responsible Patient Initiative” User Manual (Further develop overall mission of PAP)
Questions For further questions please contact: Ty Hegland Director / Public Affairs Officer (701)