Lesley Rickards MEDIN Core Team European initiatives and how MEDIN and the data in the framework relates to them
International Coordination Objective: To ensure that UK developments are linked in and consistent with international initiatives, and that obligations to provide data to global data bases are met Priorities include Providing a link to EC projects and initiatives such as INSPIRE, SEIS, WISEmarine, EMODNET, European Marine Strategy Framework Directive Providing UK input to key international marine data initiatives under the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Act as a focal point for the provision of UK marine data to global data centres
Many European data and information initiatives Shading denotes initiatives that currently are, or are anticipated to, manage data and information taken to satisfy EC Legislation or Conventions.
INSPIRE INSPIRE Directive sets obligations on what the public authorities do with the data they collect In doing so it aims to deliver improvements in the sharing of and access to public sector spatial information leading to better environmental policies and outcomes in Europe
INSPIRE and MEDIN Discovery metadata format INSPIRE have defined a specific structure to the metadata used to discover data sets MEDIN discovery metadata format builds upon this format and therefore is compliant Means that we can move metadata between organisations complying with INSPIRE easily If discovery metadata are written in the MEDIN format they can also be considered to be ‘INSPIRE compliant’
INSPIRE and MEDIN INSPIRE is in the process of defining specific formats (or data specifications in INSPIRE terminology) for themes of data MEDIN is also deriving data guidelines which will aid the interoperability of data sets on a theme by theme basis Not as detailed as an INSPIRE data specification but where there is overlap they will draw on, and be compatible with, the outputs from the INSPIRE data specifications
The Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) aims to provide timely, relevant and reliable information on environmental quality for decision makers, and for the public. The Water Information System for Europe (WISE) is a thematic area of SEIS – a platform for data and information sharing for all EU water legislation. This has been extended to cover the marine (WISE- Marine), which will focus on the reporting requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
WISEmarine To report compliance with EC water directives and provide that information to the public Mainly driven by the requirements of the directive, but will make good use (and avoid any duplication) of existing and new efforts (INSPIRE, GMES, EMODNET). Access will be provided to data sources from the other developments WG on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange oversees implementation
Aims “to open up opportunities for high technology commercial companies in the maritime sector, improve the efficiency of activities such as marine observation, management of marine resources and marine research in European laboratories” Road map developed Focus on making available quality assured, basin- wide compatible, raw data Five preparatory actions underway (chemical, biological, hydrographic, geological, habitat data) Will act as a data source for WISE-Marine
EMODNET design principles Collect data once and use them many times Develop standards across disciplines as well as within them Process and validate data at different levels. Structures are already developing at national level but infrastructure at sea- basin and European level is needed Provide sustainable financing at an EU level so as to extract maximum value from the efforts of individual Member States Build on existing efforts where data communities have already organised themselves Develop a decision-making process for priorities that is user- driven Accompany data with statements on ownership, accuracy, precision Recognise that marine data is a public good and discourage cost-recovery pricing from public bodies
GMES – Marine Core Service Aims ‘to bring data and information providers together with users, so they can better understand each other and make environmental and security related information available to the people who need it through enhanced or new services’ EC FP7 MyOcean project Includes satellite and in situ data flows; modelling, products, services
Simplified data-to-info pyramid for WISE-Marine EMODNET Directive core needs EMODNET will be an important data ‘warehouse’ for WISE-Marine
How can MEDIN help? Summary of international data initiatives relevant to the UK marine sector produced Will be reviewed and updated regularly Available from the web site (