Restructuring in the Chemical Industry – facts, figures and experiences from the European Perspective Radosław Owczarzak Research Manager Employment and Competitiveness Unit
Content Eurofound and Chemical Industry –Sector study (2008) on the future skill needs –ERM, EIRO, EWCO observatories (cases) –EWCS, ECS Surveys (all manufacturing only) –Jobs Project Restructuring facts and figures - Sources: –ELFS, ERM (cases and the overview) –Employment shifts/Jobs Project (wages and skills)
Source: ERM
Source: LFS
Add a qualitative dimension to net employment change data (ELFS) using wage and skills Method first used by J. Stiglitz for the US First cross-national application in Europe (to 23 MSs) in ERM 2008 A job is an occupation in a sector (ISCO-NACE) The ‘jobs’ approach: overview
… leading to a quintile assignment RankSector Occupation 1Financial servicesCorporate managers 2Legal /accounting Other professionals 3EducationTeaching professionals 4Human health activitiesLife science and health profs …… 1105AgricultureSkilled agric / fishery workers 1106Services to buildingsSales/services elementary occups 1107EducationSales/services elementary occups 1108Food manufactureCraft workers Lower 20% paid (skilled) Medium-low paid (skilled) Medium paid (skilled) Medium-high paid (skilled) Higher 20% paid (skilled) Quintiles For each country, a job ranking...
Recent employment expansions in EU and US (different periods)
The Great Recession: 5m jobs lost in the EU
Before and after...
Employment shifts in Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals 2008q2 to 2010q2 by wage quintile
Comparing job-wage and job-skill rankings (% per annum employment change by quintile, EU27)
PolarisationUpgrading Downgrading Variety of national patterns ( )
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