Cold War – Pt. 1 Cold War – Pt. 1– The student will assess the successes and shortcomings of United States foreign policy since World War II. By: Becky Rampey
Origins of the Cold War Major philosophical differences between the U.S. and Soviet Union during and at the end of WWII. – Both want to protect and preserve what they believe in… end up in a Cold War – (State of tension between the U.S. and Soviet Union after WWII)
Consequences Domestic – FEAR / UNKNOWN – (Duck and Cover, Red Scare, McCarthyism) Foreign – World divided into two sides – fight hot battles around the world for control and to keep one side from getting the upper hand – (Korea, Berlin, Cuba, Vietnam, etc…)
Iron Curtain Iron Curtain – Term coined by Winston Churchill to reflect to Marshall Plan – Aide to countries ravaged by WWII… goal help them rebuild – keep them from turning to Soviet Union for help! Truman Doctrine – Aide to countries trying to fight off communism.
Berlin Airlift – Soviet Union attempts to force western powers out of Berlin. U.S. and Britain send in supplies for almost 1 year. Berlin Wall – Soviets build a wall through Berlin to keep anyone from leaving East Berlin. Bay of Pigs – U.S. trains rebels to try and overthrow the new communist government in Cuba. FAILURE! Cuban Missile Crisis – Soviets attempt to install Missiles in Cuba (90 miles off U.S. coast)
ALLIANCES and World Organizations United Nations – U.S. will be a key player in the development of UN following WWII. - Designed to give the world a place to work on troubles in order to keep from going to another World War. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – formed by U.S., Canda and several western European Countries – Goal protection against communist threats. – WARSAW PACT – Soviets reaction to NATO
Nuclear Weapons Proliferation – The spread of nuclear weaponery, technology, and information across the world. Nuclear Weapons – Atom Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, Nuclear Bomb, Missiles, etc… Arms Race – Competition to stock pile nuclear weapons between U.S. and S.U.
Containment Policies and Efforts This policy stated that the United States should resist Soviet attempts to expand its power. Domino Theory Europe – – Truman Doctrine - Marshall Plan - Berlin Airlift Asia – – Vietnam, Korea, and others Latin America – – Refer back to Monroe Doctrine – We intervene and put in governments that will follow us rather than the Soviets!
Major Crisis’ Berlin Airlift – S.U. wants to shut down western control in Berlin. – Soviet Issue – loss of population in Eastern Europe – Western Issue – Soviets cut off all supplies / transportation to W. Berlin Berlin Wall – S.U. still experiencing loss of population through W. Berlin – Soviets build a wall to separate the two parts of the city. Cuban Missile – Soviets placing missiles in Cuba – 90 miles off the Florida coast. (13 Days)