By: Tate
Childhood Fredrick Douglass was Born in 1818 he was a slave. He was raised by his grandma cause his mother was rented out to another farm. When he was six, the order was said that Betsy would take him to Wye House, which separated him from his grandma and his only home he knew. Betsy brought him 12 miles and left him with aunt Katy Aron Anthony’s cook. He lived in a kitchen closet for 18 months. His aunt and uncle escaped north.
Fredrick Douglass what did he do Fredrick Douglass gave a lot of speeches during his life. He also made a autobioagerphy of his life he was one of the only men that went to the first women’s rights convention. He fought for the right of black men to serve in the union army in the civil war.
We Remember him You can find his name on lots of schools, parks and libraries in New York. There is a lot of museums and historic sites about him that’s why we remember him.