TOPICAL - BIBLE CAN I TRUST MY BIBLE? PART1 I.INTRODUCTION A. “Can I Trust My Bible?” 1. Looking forward to sharing this information.
2. Intended teachings beginning of summer. a) Next week VBS program. (1) Hard to find a few weeks in-a-row! B.This information readily available to anyone.
1. I will give you list of books, tapes, etc.! a) No way to put in a few weeks’ series. C.Many in this arena smarter than I am. 1. Intelligence and wisdom two different things!
a) Word “Wisdom” used 234 times! (1) intelligence = to separate mentally (2) wisdom = Ability to apply knowledge. (a) To stop there is to lack wisdom. (b) Correctly “apply” what we learn.
2. “Welcome”, may you have an open mind. a) Many determined the bible is inaccurate. (1) “Written book report without reading the book!” 3. For the “I want to believe” I can settle that.
4. For those that knows the Bible is God’s truth! II.The bible God's revelation of himself to mankind! A.The Bible claims that there is an eternal God!
1. “Pleasure” = close fellowship with God! a) It brings God pleasure to see His children at their best! B.A few scriptures to illustrate. 1. 2Timothy 3:16-17
a) Paul believed every word of the Scriptures! 2. 2Peter 1:21 a) Peter convinced God speak to and through men! 3. 2Samuel 23:2 a) David convinced the Spirit speak through him!
(1) Couldn’t anyone say that? 4. Mark 12:36 a) Jesus validated it! 5. Another quote from Peter! a) Acts 1:16 (1) See the “inspiration” (a) King David was “inspired”!
(2) This Scripture had to be fulfilled..! C.Tall claims from the Bible! 1. Those in academic world = “higher critics”. 2. Determine for us, which parts are true.
a) Tell us whole books should be eliminated! (1) Intelligence is not necessarily wisdom! (a) Gnostics been around a long time! (b) Those who distort have also been here.
III.GOD’S WORD ALWAYS BEEN UNDER ATTACK! A.The enemy of God has cast doubt upon His word! 1. Genesis 3:1 a) Genesis 2:16 b) Genesis 2:17 2. Has God indeed said?
a) “Pastors” denying the Bible is God’s word! (1) Producing pastors who will teach – what they have been taught. (2) “All Scripture inspiration of God..”! (3) The problem: (4) Poses 2 problems:
(a) What parts can be trusted? (b) Need “higher critics” to tell us what is good! (i) They become the authority! (a) “Scholars” not in agreement! (b) Scripture must not be inspired!
(a) 1Corinthians 14:33 (b) Undermine the Word of God! IV.CONCLUSION A.God’s Word, the Bible is under attack!
1. Re-written by “higher critics”. 2. A few examples for our next session. 3. Some translations illustrate what I am talking about. B.Matthew 1:25.
1. About Joseph and Mary a) Look at it in the NIV: (1) Matthew 1:25 (a) “Firstborn” son is missing! (i) Critical to know Jesus was the firstborn son!
(ii) Catholic Church teaches perpetual virginity of Mary! (iii) This ”error” in the NIV! C.Matthew 8:29 1. Matthew 8:29 NIV
a) NIV has eliminated the word Jesus! b) Identifies Jesus as the “Son of God”. D.Matthew 9:13 1. Matthew 9:13 NIV a) Word “repentance” removed!
b) Changes meaning of the text. (1) Came to call sinners to repentance! (2) Clever deletion can change everything. E.Matthew 23:14 1. NIV –deletes the verse!
2. Others eliminated by the NIV: 3. One more Mark 16:9-20 a) What does it say above verse 9? (1) Says who? “Higher critics”!