facebook James “Jemmy” Madison is fleeing the Presidential Mansion WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames MadisonLogout View photos of James Madison (5) Send James Madison a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Washington D.C. Birthday: March 16, 1751 Political: Democratic-Republican Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: Port Conway, VA Friends ThomasDolleyAaron J. JayA. Hammy Oliver Hazard Perry to James “Jemmy” Madison Just put the British in their place AGAIN! Battle of Lake Erie September 10 th, 1813 Francis James “Jemmy” Madison Thanks a lot Warhawks for declaring war on the British… Jk 1811 James “Jemmy” Madison just got elected as president. Thanks for the love America November 1809 James “Jemmy” Madison Cranking out some Federalist Papers with my homies Jay and Hammy July 28 th, 1788 James “Jemmy” Madison new black suit for my return to Congress… Back in black 1787 James “Jemmy” Madison Just showed up at the Continental Congress. Turn up! 1780
Personal Information facebook James Madison is fleeing the Presidential Mansion WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames MadisonLogout View photos of James (5) Send James a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: Philadelphia, PA Sex: Male Birthday: March 16, 1751 Hometown: Port Conway, VA Relationship Status: Married to Dolley Madison Political Views: Democratic-Republican Religious Views: Episcopalian Activities: Health nut, Chillin’ with my boy Jefferson, Love hanging out in my campeachy chair Interests: I’m a man in black #gothic4life, navigating the lawmaking process, playing chess Education: Princeton grad! Experience: Wrote the Constitution (I’m a big deal), Electoral College, 4 th President but #1 in your heart, Heard of the Virginia Plan? That was all my idea Political Views: Federalist… NOT!!! LOL, I’m a Democratic-Republican Political/Historical Impact: War of 1812, again I wrote the Virginia Plan, revised the Bill of Rights, helped establish the national bank #chaching $$$ Constitutional Convention Updated twenty-five years ago 2 Albums War of 1812 Updated three weeks Contact Information Address: House burnt down… #homeless Phone Number: What’s a phone?!?!?!?!? Networks: Philadelphia, PA Birthday: March 16, 1751 Political: Democratic-Republican Religion: Episcopalian Hometown: Port Conway, VA
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJames MadisonLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of James 7 Photos James’ Albums 2 Photo Alums Constitutional Convention 5 photos War of photos Profile Pictures 1 photo James Madison is fleeing the Presidential Mansion
References "James Madison Biography: 4th U.S. President Timeline & Life." Totally History James Madison Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Jan "James Madison’s Biography." James Madison's Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Jan "Miller Center." American President: James Madison: Impact and Legacy. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Jan Rubel, David. Mr.President: The Human Side of America's Chief Executive. Canada: Times Life Custom, Print.