Update on the American Community Survey (ACS) and Geographic Products 2012 PA SDC Data User Conference September 20,2012 Noemi Mendez Eliasen Geographer US Census Bureau Philadelphia Regional Office
Quick Intro to ACS Communities need up to date information to make good decisions. The ACS is a direct descendent of the Census Bureau’s once a decade form. It is a nationwide monthly survey designed to provide communities with the demographic, social, economic and housing information they need. 2
2010 Census vs. ACS The Decennial Census: Shows the number of people who live in the community. It is the Official Count. Conducted once a decade Questionnaire had a total of 10 questions topics limited to name, sex, age, race, ethnicity, housing tenure, housing relationship. The ACS : Is a continuous survey. Samples approximately 3.54 million resident addresses a year (about 290,000 a month). Produces characteristics of population and housing. It is not the official count but an estimate. Describes that average characteristics over a specific period of time. Period is 1 year, 3 year, or 5 years of data.
Decennial Census vs ACS vs Population Estimates The 2010 Census shows the number of people who live in the U.S. and the American Community Survey shows how people live. Use data from the American Community Survey to obtain demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics. Use numbers from the 2010 Census to obtain counts of the population and their basic characteristics (sex, age, race, Hispanic origin, and homeowner status). Use data from the Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program in the years between censuses. The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program produces official population estimates for the nation, states, counties, cities, towns plus housing estimates for states and counties.
ACS Current Data Available for PA Areas with a population of 65,000 or more: 1 year estimates 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Areas with a population of 20,000 or more: 3 year estimates , , , Areas below 20,000: 5 year estimates (includes tracts and block groups) , NOTE: 2011 ACS data will be available in the Fall-Winter year ACS release on/around late September 2012.
Planned Release Dates for 2011 ACS Planned ReleaseData ProductsLowest Level Geo Sept Year on AFF65,000 + Oct Year on AFF 3 Year Summary File 1 Year PUMS File 20,000 + PUMA Dec Year on AFF 5 Year Summary File 3 Year PUMS File Census Tracts Census Block Groups PUMA Jan 20131,3,5 Year Spanish Version of PR Community Survey on AFF 5 year PUMS File See lowest levels above PUMA
Census Geography Product Updates 2010 Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles Pre-Joined with 2010 Census Demographic Profiles Geographic Tallies By State and Type TIGERWeb
2010 Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles Pre-Joined with 2010 Census Demographic Profiles Available Geodatabases: American Indian Areas Congressional/State Legislative Districts County and Census Tract Metro/Micro Areas and Related Stat Areas Places, County Subdivisions and Related Areas School Districts Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA) *These are all NATIONAL level shapefiles and data.
2010 Census Geographic Entity Tallies by State and Type
GSS-Initiative (GSS-I) What Is It? Integrated program in support of the 2020 Census: Improved address coverage Continual spatial feature updates Enhanced quality assessment and measurement Why Are We Doing It? The GSS Initiative will allow for a targeted, rather than full, address canvassing operation during 2019 in preparation for the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will collaborate with federal, state, local, and tribal governments and other key stakeholders to establish an acceptable address list for each geographic entity. What's In It For Me? Better quality data throughout the decade.
America’s Economy Mobile App The America’s Economy Mobile App provides smartphone and tablet users with real-time releases of 16 key government statistics that drive business hiring, sales and production decisions useful to small businesses, the construction industry, the banking industry, journalists, economists, planners, policymakers and anyone who wants to monitor U.S. economic data.
Questions Philadelphia Regional Office 833 Chestnut Street, Suite 504 Philadelphia, PA Main Number: Partnership and Data Services: Geography: