We Want Our Hogs God offers blessings, but people want what will bring them a curse. This is hard to comprehend, or is it?
Introduction Our story is found in Mark 5:1-20 We will read several verses and make some observations. These things written are for our benefit and are given as instruction, and tools for learning. This story takes place after the “Peace, Be Still” story.
Mark 5:1-20 They crossed the sea and came to the land of the Gerasenes. This area was predominantly Gentile. They arrived and immediately we meet Legion. This creature with the demon saw Jesus and came and bowed down before Him.
Mark 5:1-20 He recognized that Jesus was the Son of the Most High. Remember the disciples marveled: “what sort of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” just the night before. They did not know Jesus was the Son of God, but this demon did. Jesus had commanded, but Legion resisted.
Mark 5:1-20 The demons requested that Jesus allow them to continue to exist, and Jesus gave them permission. But then the herd of swine ran into the sea and drowned. This caused a stir in the country and people came to see what was happening.
Mark 5:1-20 They came and observed this man who had been demon possessed. Everyone knew him. How is this possible? Some had seen the event and declared that Jesus did this. Then they asked Jesus to leave. WHY?
Mark 5:1-20 Many reasons for asking Jesus to leave. Someone lost a lot of wealth when the 2000 pigs died. Perhaps others were afraid that Jesus would destroy more hogs. They were Gentiles and were not prepared for a Messiah, and this Man must have been a troublemaker.
Mark 5:1-20 So, Jesus gathered His group and went to the boat to leave, as requested. The man formerly with the demon asked to go with Him. But Jesus refused. The text tells us that this man went throughout his country and declared what Jesus had done for him.
Lessons Learned There should have been rejoicing that a man was healed. But that was ignored totally. The people were selfish and were afraid of losing money (we see what their god was). This shows the extreme to which worldly interests will excite men. Worldly gain is valued above the blessings of Jesus.
Lessons Learned How Foolish This Was! Yet it is not uncommon for men today to value the material wealth of this world over the spiritual blessings that are found in Christ Jesus. The cry still goes up in every place: "We Want Our Hogs"
Lessons Learned Jesus offers salvation. It requires commitment and obedience. And the people exclaim: “we want our hogs” As Legion meant many, so These hogs are legion today as they were then. The hog of dishonesty. The hog of popularity. The hog of entertainment, pleasures and worldly lusts. The hog of sensual desires and pride. The hog of big I and little you. The hog of riches and covetousness. The hog of opinions of men. These things, they are not willing to give up so they can be blessed by God
Lessons Learned Many other hogs are out there. Any thing that keeps our attention away from Jesus becomes our hogs and pigs. Maybe we need a BBQ and old-fashioned Hog killing. They do it out on the ranches and farms. We all need to remove the hogs that keep us out of heaven.
Conclusion Do You Want Your Hogs, Or will You accept Jesus Christ, And Do His Will As Is Found In The New Testament? The choice is yours to make.