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Question: Blood pressure during heart relaxation. Check Your Answer xxx for 1
Answer: Diastolic Blood Pressure Back to the Game Board xxx for 1
Question: Points at the body surface where the pulse may be felt. xxx for 2 Check Your Answer
Answer: Pressure Points Back to the Game Board xxx for 2
Question: Responsible for peripheral resistance. xxx for 3 Check Your Answer
Answer: constriction of the arterioles Back to the Game Board xxx for 3
Question: Chemicals like nicotine and stimulants act as these. xxx for 4 Check Your Answer
Answer: Vasoconstrictors Back to the Game Board xxx for 4
Question: Two factors related to blood pressure. xxx for 5 Check Your Answer
Answer: Cardiac Output & Peripheral Resistance Back to the Game Board xxx for 5
Question: Blood pressure during heart contraction. xxx for 1 Check Your Answer
Answer: Systolic Blood Pressure Back to the Game Board xxx for 1
Question: Measured by the stroke volume & heart rate. xxx for 2 Check Your Answer
Answer: Cardiac Output Back to the Game Board xxx for 2
Question: These cause arterioles to relax & increase in diameter. xxx for 3 Check Your Answer
Answer: Vasodilators Back to the Game Board xxx for 3
Question: Two arteries formed by the division of the Briachiocephalic Trunk. xxx for 4 Check Your Answer
Answer: Subclavin & Common Carotid Back to the Game Board xxx for 4
Question: Two paired arteries; serving the brain. xxx for 5 Check Your Answer
Answer: Internal Carotid & Vertebral Back to the Game Board xxx for 5
Question: Artery the serves the diaphragm. xxx for 1 Check Your Answer
Answer: Phrenic Artery Back to the Game Board xxx for 1
Question: Artery that supplies the last half of the large intestine. xxx for 2 Check Your Answer
Answer: Inferior Mesenteric Back to the Game Board xxx for 2
Question: The Descending Aorta first branches in the this artery. xxx for 3 Check Your Answer
Answer: Common Iliac Back to the Game Board xxx for 3
Question: Arterial trunk that has three major branches; they serve the liver (Hepatic), spleen (Splenic) & stomach (Gastic). xxx for 4 Check Your Answer
Answer: Celiac Artery Back to the Game Board xxx for 4
Question: Artery that supplies most of the small intestines. xxx for 5 Check Your Answer
Answer: Superior Mesenteric Back to the Game Board xxx for 5
Question: The Common Carotid splits into these two arteries. A = serves the face & scalp B = serves the brain xxx for 1 Check Your Answer
Answer: A = External Carotid B = Internal Carotid Back to the Game Board xxx for 1
Question: Artery the serves the hips/pelvic region. xxx for 2 Check Your Answer
Answer: Interior Iliac Back to the Game Board xxx for 2
Question: Artery in the forearm on the thumb side. xxx for 3 Check Your Answer
Answer: Radial Artery Back to the Game Board xxx for 3
Question: First artery that branches off the Ascending Aorta & serves the heart. xxx for 4 Check Your Answer
Answer: Coronary Artery Back to the Game Board xxx for 4
Question: Vein that receives blood from the arm via the Axillary Vein. xxx for 5 Check Your Answer
Answer: Subclavin Vein Back to the Game Board xxx for 5
Question: Two veins that join to become the Superior Vena Cava. xxx for 1 Check Your Answer
Answer: Brachiocephalic Vein Back to the Game Board xxx for 1
Question: Largest vein in the thorax. xxx for 2 Check Your Answer
Answer: Inferior Vena Cava Back to the Game Board xxx for 2
Question: Vein that drains the thorax & empties into Superior Vena Cava. xxx for 3 Check Your Answer
Answer: Azygos Vein Back to the Game Board xxx for 3
Question: Longest/Largest vein in the body that is found in the leg. xxx for 4 Check Your Answer
Answer: Great Saphenous Back to the Game Board xxx for 4
Question: Large vein that carries nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs to the liver for processing. xxx for 5 Check Your Answer
Answer: Hepatic Vein Back to the Game Board xxx for 5