Lesson 1 What Is Beauty? Students’ book Moduel6 一.The analysise of Teaching Materials( 教材分析 ) 二.Teaching Aims( 教学目标 ) 三. Teaching Important and Difficult.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1 What Is Beauty? Students’ book Moduel6

一.The analysise of Teaching Materials( 教材分析 ) 二.Teaching Aims( 教学目标 ) 三. Teaching Important and Difficult Points( 教学 重点和难点 ) 四.Teaching Methods( 教学方法 ) 五.Teaching Procedures ( 教学程序 ) 说课内容:

一. 教材内容分析: 本单元的中心话题是 “beauty” ,我所说的这一节是本 单元第二课时阅读课,话题是: “What is beauty?” , 学生通过阅读一篇文章 ”Beauty is in the eyes of beholder”, 除了学习有关美的词汇和句子以外, 还会掌 握一定的阅读技巧,这篇文章讲述了两种美:外在 美和内在美。外在美会受社会,时间和文化的影响, 产生不同的变化. 而判断一个人的内在美是否有感染 力是颇为主观的, 不似随意一瞥就能欣赏到那样容易. 由于审美角度的不同,不同的人对什么是美有不同 的看法,但老师一定要让学生意识到内在美的重要 性和善于发现生活中存在的真美。

本课的语法是有关表示 “used to, would “( 过去惯常, 过去总是 ) 的用法。学生在已经学过 used to 用法, 本课的重点是体验和归纳两种表达的区别。学生要 能够在语篇中识别、在语境中运用。 本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时重点是阅读文 章,让学生学习有关美及描述美的词汇,懂得什么 是真正的美。使用略读和细读等阅读策略,从文章 中提取信息,处理信息,进行归纳复述;第二课时 复习巩固有关美及描述美的词汇,从课文例句中发 现、归纳 “used to, would” 的区别,并在语境中恰当 地使用。

二.Teaching Aims:( 教学目标 ) 1. 语言技能: Students should know how to work out the structure of a passage. 2. 知识目标: a.Master some words and sentences about beauty. b.Master some reading skills. 3. 情感目标: a.To know the spirit of teamwork and enjoy the pleasure of learning English. b.To have a better understanding of physical beauty and inner beauty. c.To look for the real beauty around us and have the eyes of discovering beauty.

三.Teaching Important and Difficult Points( 教学 重点和难点 ) Teaching Important Points: (重点) 1.To read a text and find out specific information. 2.To know more about physical beauty and inner beauty. Teaching Difficult Points: (难点) 1.How to improve the students’ reading skills. 2.How to guide the students to realize true beauty and look for true beauty around us. 3.How to understand and enjoy the wonderful sentences in a passage.

四.Teaching methods( 教学方法 ) 1.Brainstorm before reading. 2.Fast-reading and careful-reading method for the structure of this passage and detailed information. 3.Task-based method to help the students understand the text better. 4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

五.Teaching procetues ( 教学程序 ) Brainstorm and lead-in Careful-reading Post-reading Voice your opinion Summary and homework Fast-reading Look for beauty around us Paraphrase


貂蝉 贵妃

Am I beautiful?

Ex. 1 Look at the pictures. Do you think the people in the photos are beautiful,what is beauty in your mind? Ex:I think someone who is confident and suce ss ful is beautiful,like Yang Lan. I think someone who is tall and slim is beautiful,like the foreign woman.

Beauty refers to something or somebody that makes people feel happy and comfortable. It consists of inner beauty and physical beauty, including beauty of nature, beauty of language, beauty of behavior, and beauty of soul.

There are so many standards of beauty,so beauty is quite different in the eye of different people.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

金玉其外, 败絮其中. What does “Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder” mean? Which of the following idiom is closest to its meaning? A. Beauty is only skin-deep. B. Birds of a feather flock together. C. The eyes of lover are blind. 物以类聚, 人以群居. 情人眼里出西施.

Read and match the headings for each paragraph. 1 Ideas of beauty change with time. 2 Inner beauty is much more important. 3 There was no consistent views on beauty. 4 Culture remains a major part in determining ideas of beauty. 5Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. 6 There are no precise criteria for judging what is beautiful. Step2.Fast-reading(3minutes)

Can you work out the main structure of the whole passage? Introduction(paragraph1) Argumentation(paragraph2—5) Summary(paragraph6)

Step3.Careful-reading Physical Beauty(para.2/3/4)

(Para2) Our ideas of beauty change with time: in the pastnow Women used to wear corsets to achieve a body shape. Men would wear woolen shawls across their shoulders. used tattoos as an addition to costumes to show family relationship or to mark criminals.. It is no longer considered healthy It is not seen as attractive It is a form of body art Traditions and fashions change with time.

Corset( 束腹, 紧 身褡 )

Shawl (披巾)

Tattoo (文身)

(Para3) Culture influences our ideas of beauty: Example : in some countries: ______________________________________ in other cultures: ______________________________________ Young women follow slimming diets to loose extra kilos in preparation for their wedding day. Looking thin for a husband-to-be is not what a man desires at all. In contemporary society, culture influences the standards of beauty greatly.

whitening Slim dark

云南少数民族:以肥为美,以黑为贵。 In contemporary society, culture influences the standards of beauty greatly.

Inner Beauty(para.5) 1.What is inner beauty? Can you give some examples? 2. Is inner beauty easy to judge? Why? No. That particular kind of attraction is found in all sorts of personality character traits , so judging it is more subjective. kindness, generosity … Careful-reading Beauty is ______________. multi-dimensional

Step4.Paraphrase the underline words and translate the following sentences. ①Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction to something deeper within a person. ②Judging the appeal of a person’s inner beauty is much more subjective. 判断一个人的内在美是否有感染力是颇为主观的, ③It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate and it is much more important than physical beauty. To get together 外在美一定要靠内在魅力来强化 Attraction A quick look, not seriously 不似随意一瞥就能欣赏到 那样容易. The inner beauty is more complicated and important than physical beauty.

4. In other countries, looking thin for a husband-to-be is not what a woman desire at all — rather, looking a little overweight is considered more attractive. In other countries, a woman doesn’t wish she looks thin to her future husband; she thinks it more attractive being a little fat. 而在其他国家,女人根本不想在未来丈夫 的眼中显得苗条 —— 相反,看起来稍微超 重被认为是更加迷人。

Beauty Physical beauty Inner beauty change and adapt with much more important (para5.) time (para2.) culture (para3.) no precise criteria (para4.) Conclusion: There was no consistent view on beauty. (para1.) Beauty has more than one dimension “ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ”. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. (para6.) judging inner beauty is more subjective be accompanied by Step5.Post-reading

Please use one sentence to summarize the whole text: We are influenced by our culture, our biology and our time in history to notice physical beauty quickly and easily, but it is inner beauty that requires us to truly see.

Artificial Beauty

Step6. Voice your opinion What do you think of artificial beauty ( 人造美女 )? Is it necessary to become more beautiful by operation? Why?

Do you find any true beauty in our real life? Can you give some examples?

new life

1.Review Lesson 1. 2.Finish the exercises on P 35.

The design of the blackboard Unit18 What is beauty? New words varied, accounted for,perceptions consistent,accomp any, appeal glance,trait,subjecti ve, generosity, the main structure of the whole passage? Introduction(para.1) Argument(para.2—5) Summary(para.6)