8 th Grade Chapter 6 Lesson 8 Rescue Breathing and CPR
AssessingAssessing the Victim First Steps Tap the victim and shout, “Are you okay?” If they don’t respond shake their shoulders Dial 911 Position them face up on hard surface
Airway Tilt head back to move tongue from windpipe Place 1 hand on forehead and 2 fingers under jaw Gently push and pull to tilt head back
Breathing Keep hands on victims head Look, listen and feel If no breathing, re-tilt head, remove anything blocking it If still no breathing, you will need to do it
Rescue Breathing (child and infant) Pinch their nose with fingers of hand on forehead Make a tight seal around their mouth (and nose) with face mask or your mouth Give 2 breaths, turn head to chest, check for pulse (brachial or carotid artery) Turn head to chest and count to 2 one- thousand, give breath on 3
Rescue Breathing (cont.) Continue breathing for 2 minutes Recheck pulse If pulse, continue rescue breathing until help arrives or they breath alone If no pulse, start CPR
Infant vs. Adult Rescue Breathing Puff of air in cheeks Cover their mouth and nose Give 1 breath every 3 seconds
Problems with Rescue Breathing Air does not go in Are they choking Did you tilt the head enough Blow too much air or too hard Air goes into the stomach and they may vomit
CPR CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) They are not breathing and have no pulse Give 2 breaths Position hands in the center of the chest even with nipple line Heel of hand on sternum Shoulders over hands Lock elbows
CPR (cont.) Rock from hips to get power Compress sternum 1 ½ to 2” 30 quick compressions Should average 100 compressions per minute (3 complete cycles)
CPR (cont.) Repeat cycle 2 breaths Find correct hand location 30 compressions Continue 30:2 ratio
InfantInfant and Child CPR Only use 2 fingers for infant For child, use only 1 hand not 2
You may stop CPR/breathing if: Help arrives AED arrives Exhaustion Danger to you and victim
AED For each minute it is delayed, chance for survival decrease by 10% Analyzes heartbeat and can recommend shock No one can be touching victim during this time After shock or if no shock, complete 5 cycles (2 min.) and re-evaluate