CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Matthew Giannetti Grades 9-12
Basic Overview Emergency procedure that is performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person in cardiac arrest.
How to Administer CPR C-C-C A-B-C Rescue Breaths Chest Compressions AED Recovery Position
C-C-C CHECK – Check the scene, victim and surroundings for safety first CALL – Call immediately! CARE – A-B-C…
A-B-C Airway Breathing Circulation
Airway To ensure the airway is open the rescuer must: – Tilt the head back – Lift chin – Open victim’s mouth Check for blockage (do not finger sweep unless object is visible)
Breathing Check to see if the victim is breathing by: – Placing their ear over the victims mouth Listen for breaths Feel for breath against ear lobe – Look at victim’s chest Watch for rise and fall of chest The rescuer does this for 10 seconds
Circulation Check the victim’s circulation by: – Taking the victim’s pulse from Carotid artery Radial artery Femoral artery PulseNo Pulse
Rescue Breaths If victim is not breathing, administer 2 rescue breaths If the breaths DO NOT go in – Reposition the head (head tilt, chin lift) – Give 2 breaths again If they do not go in again begin chest compressions If the breaths DO go in – Continue rescue breathing at a rate of 1 breath every 5 seconds until help arrives
Chest Compressions If victim does not have a pulse start chest compressions immediately! – Find the nipple line with middle finger – Drag finger across to sternum – Place palm of hand on sternum – Place other hand on top of the first and interlock fingers – Lock arms and use body weight to push down
Chest Compressions Compress the chest inches – The sternum should crack if done correctly During CPR give 2 breaths for every 30 chest compressions. – Continue for 5 cycles then reevaluate victim or until further help arrives CPR should be exhausting!
Tools Used During CPR AED Pocket Mask Bag Valve Oxygen
AED Automated External Defibrillator Used when victim has an irregular heart beat Electrode pads are placed on the upper right and lower left sides of the chest
Pocket Mask Pocket masks are used by the rescuer to administer CPR Uses a one way valve for rescue breathing Prevents any fluids that the victim may regurgitate from entering the rescuer’s mouth
Bag Valve The bag valve is used to give breaths of more oxygenated air to the victim The bag valve is used with the pocket mask Oxygen can be connected
Oxygen Oxygen can be connected to the bag valve to provide more oxygenated breaths during CPR After victim is resuscitated oxygen is provide trough a mask for recovery
Recovery Position Keeps the victims airway open Keeps airway from being blocked for an unconscious victim Prevents suffocation through obstruction of the airway
Practice! Find a group of 3 Your group will be given a scenario card Walk through the scenario with each other Perform all roles: – First responder – Second responder – Victim
CPR Certification There are both classroom courses and online courses to become certified There is a fee however having lifesaving knowledge is invaluable
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