OMB Update 1 AGA Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training September 16, 2015
The President’s Management Agenda 2 ECONOMIC GROWTH Open Data to Spark Innovation Accelerate Lab-to-Market Open government assets as a platform for innovation, job creation, and economic growth PEOPLE & CULTURE Create a culture of excellence and engagement to enable higher performance Build a world-class Federal management team, starting with the SES Enable agencies to hire the best talent from all segments of society Unlock the talent of the workforce we have and build the one we need for tomorrow EFFECTIVENESS Delivering World-Class Customer Service Deliver world-class services to citizens and businesses Ramping Up Smarter IT Delivery EFFICIENCY/VALUE Expand Shared Services Buy as One Through Category Management Refine Cost and Quality Benchmarks Increase the value and quality of core operations Drive Productivity & Cost Savings
3 Expand Shared Services: Governance
4 DATA Act: Implementation Progress Data Standards The 57 total data elements required under FFATA and DATA Act were finalized on August 31, Pilot to Reduce Burden Released first products for pilot, including grants information gateway and data standards library Policy Guidance M Outlines policy requirements to improve data quality and adhere to DATA Act Requires reporting at account level Requires linking of financial and management systems Lowers award reporting requirement to micro purchase threshold DATA Act Schema Summary Summarizes the purpose and design of the DATA Act Schema, which is posted for public input and will continue to be refined DATA Act Playbook Summarizes steps for agencies to take in implementation, to assist in planning
5 Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Enterprise Risk Management 6 Strategic Decisions (OMB A-11) Budget Decisions (OMB A-11 ) Program Management (OMB A-11) Operational Control Objectives Reporting Control Objectives Compliance Control Objectives Cross Agency Priority Goals Agency Priority Goals Fed Stat Policy President’s Budget Congressional Justification Mission/Vision Goals/Objectives Strategic Reviews Enterprise Risk Management Annual IG Compliance Review CXO/Operations Support (OMB A-123) Strategic Operational Reputational Financial Etc.