American Nuclear Society Decommissioning Decontamination and Reutilization Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Dr. Sue Aggarwal DDR Chair, 2009 – 2010 Washington D.C November 18, 2009
DD&R Mission Promote the development and use of those skills and technologies associated with the optimal management of decommissioning, decontamination, reutilization, and long-term surveillance and maintenance of nuclear and former nuclear installations, materials, radiological facilities, and sites for the nuclear safety and security of society. The target audience for this effort are the members of the Division, the Society, and the public at large. This is achieved by:- Holding Topical Meetings Holding Sessions at Annual and Winter meetings Publishing Technical Papers Publishing a DD&R Newsletter
DD&R Governance Officers: Chair: Sue AggarwalSecretary: J. Mark Price Vice-chair: Lawrence M. ZullTreasurer: Lisa K. Mullen Past-chair: John Gunning Executive Committee: International Committee Member: Jean-Guy Nokhamzon Board Liaison: Amir ShahkaramiStaff Liaison: Sharon Kerrick
DD&R Committee Chairs
DD&R Governance Total Annual Membership
DD&R Governance Total Student Membership
DD&R Governance Membership by Industry
DD&R Governance - Budget Division Finances Actual 12/31/2007 Actual 12/31/2008 Budget 2009 Actual 8/31/2009 Budget Funds Carry Forward Member Allocation Division Income $ 23,984 $ 1,105 $ 15,669 $ 35,325 $ 2,058 $ 32,494 $ 2,161 $ 34,937 $ 1,964 Total Budget Funds $ 40,758$ 37,383 $ 34,655$ 36,901 Budget Expenses Newsletter/website/communications Awards and Plaques National Meeting Costs Scholarship / NEED Funding Division Expenses Student Support Miscellaneous $ 1,628 $ 584 $ 1,121 $ 0 $ 1,500 $ 600 $ 1,000 $ 45 $ 1,401 $ 0 $ 2,400 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 $ 200 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 64 $ 1,561 $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 816 Total Expenses$ 5,433$ 2,446$ 9,600$ 3,445 Excess of Budgeted Funds over Expenses $ 35,325$ 34,937$ 25,055$ 31,456
DD&R Governance Planning One year Tactical Plan is prepared and updated annually. Five year Strategic Plan for has been approved by the governance team. –Increase the effectiveness of the division in serving the professional needs of its members –Increase the effectiveness of the DD&R Division in supporting the ANS at national meetings
DD&R Governance Planning DDR Succession Plan was established as follows:- Vice Chair becomes Chair Secretary becomes Vice Chair Treasurer becomes Secretary Treasurer is recruited from Executive Committee or Committee Chairs. Executive Committee members are recruited from Members at Large and Committee Members.
DD&R Communications Focus – DD&R of Reactors (and other nuclear and related facilities) Decreasing, Reviewing Focus and Outreach Efforts to Obtain New Members Newsletter – Published twice a year – Members only Web Site – Updated regularly Executive Committee –Plan at least two conference calls between each ANS National Meeting
DD&R Communications
DD&R Contributions to ANS Position Statements:- All position statements that DD&R has responsibility for are current.
DD&R Contributions to ANS Participation with other Professional Societies: –14 Professional Societies have Co-Sponsored DD&R Topical Meeting in –Work with ASTM E10.03 Group on Development of Various Decommissioning Standards Relevant to the Field. Society Leadership: –Attendance at ANS Meetings by Division Members. Non-Meeting Publications: –RadWaste Solutions – sent to 44 new members in –RadWaste Magazine Articles Supported at least one YMG Activity within a Year.
DD&R Contributions to ANS Sponsored Sessions at ANS Meetings. Organized 4 sessions at the meeting in June These were:- History of Manhattan Era Nuclear Facilities – 4 papers, one each from Oak Ridge’s Y-12 and K-25; Hanford, and Los Alamos. D&D at Commercial Reactor Facilities – Paper/Panel Groundwater Protection – Panel Army Corps of Engineers/FUSRAP: D&D of Nonreactor Sites – Panel
DD&R Contributions to ANS Organized 3 sessions for the meeting in Washington D.C. These were:- Future of Decommissioning Funds – Panel/Paper TMI 30 Years Later - Paper Finding Common Ground with Multiple Regulatory Agencies - Panel
DD&R Services to Membership Professional Development –Support D&D training courses organized and held by Argonne National Laboratory various times a year. DDRD scholarship –presentation of one undergraduate scholarship each year. –presentation of one graduate scholarship (budget dependant). –Blake Holton of University of Florida 2009 was the winner.
DD&R Peer Recognition/Awards DD&R Topical Meetings –Best paper/best poster –Each half day session best paper –Meeting staff recognition –Past Division Chair recognition National Meetings –Best daily paper DD&R Division Recognition Program –Project Award of Excellence –Lifetime Achievement
DD&R Services to Students Student Support : Student travel –ANS National Meetings & Topical Meetings One/two scholarship Student Student conference General student support fund
DD&R Meetings Participation National ANS Meetings –2 sessions Annual Meeting –3 sessions Winter Meeting –4 sessions Annual Meeting –3 sessions Winter Meeting DDRD Topical Meetings –September 2007 in Chattanooga –235 Participants –$45, to ANS, gross $198, –August 2010 in Idaho Falls is underway
2008 DD&R Metrics & Measures
DD&R Areas of Success Sponsored Technical Sessions during ANS National Meetings; Gained 78 New Members from January – September 2009; Distributed a DD&R Newsletter to all DD&R Members. This Newsletter is also available on the DD&R Website; Supported the ANS Young Members Group; Provided Support for Students to attend the 2009 ANS Student Conference in Gainesville, FL; Awarded an Undergraduate Scholarship.
DD&R Summary Future Focus Areas U.S. Commercial Decommissioning Market Shrinking –Focus on license renewal –Focus on continual decommissioning during long term operation –Focus on small/research reactors and rad. facilities U.S. Government Decommissioning Market also Shrinking European D&D Market Increasing –BNG major D&D effort –Research and other smaller reactor D&D Input to New Reactor Designs on Lessons Learned which Enable Future Decommissioning Cost Reductions –Decommissioning fund size $600B stimulus funding to DOE for remediation & decommissioning projects